How do I switch apps from the firebase cli?


Solution 1

Found some useful information here Firebase CLI Reference.

The following code works for me.

firebase use <project_id>

Solution 2

I rather use scripts. Consider a project structure like this:

├── .firebaserc
└── functions
   ├── package.json
   └── index.js

Go to .firebaserc and follow the next example

  "projects": {
    "default": "project-name",
    "prod": "other-name"

Then go to package.json and add the following scripts (changeToProd, and changeToDev).

  "scripts": {
    "changeToProd": "firebase use prod",
    "changeToDev": "firebase use default"
  "dependencies": {

If your IDE support npm scripts you can run them using the IDE UI, otherwise it can be run using the command console. Make sure you are inside the functions folder.

npm run-script changeToProd

You can verify your current project by running the following command from the terminal or added to the scripts as we just did

firebase use

Solution 3

If you are using Node.js on windows, your answer should be

firebase use <project_id>

but without the <> for example

firebase use chat-app-2a150

You can use the following code to view all your projects so as to pick the correct project ID to use

firebase projects:list

Solution 4


The officially recommended way is to use "alias":

In your .firebaserc, set different project IDs like this:

  "projects": {
    "production": "my-project-id",
    "testing": "my-testing-project-id"
// you can also add them interactively with `firebase use --add`

Then switch projects in CLI with firebase use testing , firebase use production.

Note: switching projects won't create any git diff, it's simply remembered in your local machine. Use firebase use to see which project is currently being used.

Uncommon cases:

  • If you want to use your own ID without committing changes to the project owner's .firebaserc, do firebase use my-own-id locally as mentioned in the accepted answer.
  • If you want people to fork your code then use their own IDs, add .firebaserc into .gitignore.

Solution 5

In the directory where you run firebase list, there will be a file called firebase.json. If you open that in a text editor, you will see the app name in there. You can change it there or delete firebase.json to change the app.

Or save yourself the hassle of editing a text file and do as Jason says: use firebase init.

Author by


Self taught programmer, carpenter, and investor. I appreciate cultures which foster creativity, disruptive thought, and mentorship. Bureaucracy is cancer.

Updated on February 02, 2022


  • wvm2008
    wvm2008 about 2 years

    This seems like something which should be pretty easy to do, but for whatever reason, I'm being defeated.

    I'm trying to use the firebase-tools CLI to interact with my database. I'm able to login without any trouble, and when I type firebase list, I get a list of all my current apps. It also tells me which app I'm currently connected to.

    My problem is, I want to connect to one of the other apps. I'm running queries on my staging app, and I need to run them on my production app. I can see the production app in the list, but I'm not finding any way to switch to that app.


    • Shreyan Mehta
      Shreyan Mehta almost 3 years
      if having issues listing projects use firebase projects:list
  • Abhishek
    Abhishek over 6 years
    Is there a change now? Because I cannot find the app name in firebase.json but can find it in .firebaserc.... Appreciate the clarification...
  • Frank van Puffelen
    Frank van Puffelen over 6 years
    The project name is indeed in .firebaserc now.
  • Enric Ribas
    Enric Ribas about 6 years
    Might be wrong but this doesn't seem to switch the database. Deploying will deploy to "current" project but it seems to still pull data from original database. Pretty damn dangerous if you're going use this to separate production from staging environments. Hope no one loses their prod data. :(
  • cutiko
    cutiko about 5 years
    Welcome, my approach is intended to be sharable with the rest of the team :)
  • Zectbumo
    Zectbumo about 5 years
    I'm having the same issue that @Enric described about accessing the default database while being on a different project. Is there some way to detect what project is being used on the client side so that I can change the config to initialize the app appropriately?
  • Jonathan
    Jonathan about 4 years… - for a quick reference
  • sultanmyrza
    sultanmyrza over 3 years
    make sure you change firebaseConfig ` // Your web app's Firebase configuration var firebaseConfig = { apiKey: "api-key", authDomain: "", databaseURL: "https:/", projectId: "new-project-id", storageBucket: "", messagingSenderId: "xxxxxx", appId: "xxxxxxxxxx", measurementId: "xxxxxxxx" }; // Initialize Firebase`
  • Randika Vishman
    Randika Vishman almost 2 years
    I tried this out, and it works. Using this method prevents me from making silly mistakes of interchanging the environment wrongly.