How do you create custom notifications in Swift 3?


Solution 1

You could also use a protocol for this

protocol NotificationName {
    var name: Notification.Name { get }

extension RawRepresentable where RawValue == String, Self: NotificationName {
    var name: Notification.Name {
        get {
            return Notification.Name(self.rawValue)

And then define your notification names as an enum anywhere you want. For example:

class MyClass {
    enum Notifications: String, NotificationName {
        case myNotification

And use it like, object: nil)

This way the notification names will be decoupled from the Foundation Notification.Name. And you will only have to modify your protocol in case the implementation for Notification.Name changes.

Solution 2

There is a cleaner (I think) way to achieve it

extension Notification.Name {

    static let onSelectedSkin = Notification.Name("on-selected-skin")

And then you can use it like this .onSelectedSkin, object: selectedSkin)

Solution 3 is defined as:

public func post(name aName: NSNotification.Name, object anObject: AnyObject?)

In Objective-C, the notification name is a plain NSString. In Swift, it's defined as NSNotification.Name.

NSNotification.Name is defined as:

public struct Name : RawRepresentable, Equatable, Hashable, Comparable {
    public init(_ rawValue: String)
    public init(rawValue: String)

This is kind of weird, since I would expect it to be an Enum, and not some custom struct with seemingly no more benefit.

There is a typealias in Notification for NSNotification.Name:

public typealias Name = NSNotification.Name

The confusing part is that both Notification and NSNotification exist in Swift

So in order to define your own custom notification, do somethine like:

public class MyClass {
    static let myNotification = Notification.Name("myNotification")

Then to call it:

NotificationCenter.default().post(name: MyClass.myNotification, object: self)

Solution 4

Easier way:

let name:NSNotification.Name = NSNotification.Name("notificationName") name, object: nil)

Solution 5

I may suggest another option which is similar to what @CesarVarela suggested.

extension Notification.Name {
    static var notificationName: Notification.Name {
        return .init("notificationName")

This will let you post and subscribe on notifications easily. .notificationName))

Hope this will help you.

Author by


Updated on July 27, 2020


  • hexdreamer
    hexdreamer almost 4 years

    In Objective-C, a custom notification is just a plain NSString, but it's not obvious in the WWDC version of Swift 3 just what it should be.

  • rickster
    rickster about 8 years
    Good answer. Some comments: This is kind of weird, since I would expect it to be an Enum — An enum is a closed set. If Notification.Name were an enum, nobody would be able to define new notifications. We use structs for otherwise-enum-like types that need to allow adding new members. (See the swift-evolution proposal.)
  • rickster
    rickster about 8 years
    The confusing part is that both Notification and NSNotification exist in SwiftNotification is a value type (a struct), so that it can benefit from Swift's semantics for value (im)mutability. Generally, Foundation types are dropping their "NS" in Swift 3, but where one of the new Foundation Value Types exists to supplant it, the old reference type sticks around (keeping the "NS" name) so that you can still use it when you need reference semantics or to subclass it. See the proposal.
  • hexdreamer
    hexdreamer about 8 years
    Let me clarify: I expect notification names to be enums, like Errors are. You can define your own Error enums, and make them conform to ErrorType.
  • rickster
    rickster about 8 years
    True — Apple could at least theoretically have made NotoficationName (or some such) a protocol, to which you create conforming types. I dunno, but there's likely a reason they didn't... Probably something to do with ObjC bridging? File a bug (to open source, Foundation Swift is in the open) if you've got a better solution worked out.
  • Sean G
    Sean G almost 8 years
    In your solution you capitalize the declaration of MyNotification. Apple's rewrite of their notifications does the same thing. Any idea why this is? As far as I can tell the Swift 3 style guide only suggests capitalizing for protocols and classes. But these are static properties.
  • hexdreamer
    hexdreamer almost 8 years
    You are probably correct in that it should begin with lowercase.
  • Cesar Varela
    Cesar Varela almost 8 years
    I'm using the code above. This is a static property.
  • 0xT0mT0m
    0xT0mT0m over 7 years
    Very clean, I like it alot
  • lluisgh
    lluisgh over 7 years
    extension NSNotification.Name instead of extension Notification.Name . Otherwise Swift 3 complaints with 'Notification' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context
  • Jalakoo
    Jalakoo over 7 years
    Lower case 'enum type' and 'init(_ type: type)' for Swift 3.0.2
  • Dorian Roy
    Dorian Roy over 7 years
    You get my upvote for making a typo in the string and thus demonstrating the value of typed notification names :P
  • hexdreamer
    hexdreamer over 7 years
    This is exactly they way I originally thought it should work - notifications should be enums. Thanks for the trick!
  • halil_g
    halil_g over 7 years
    No problem! I edited the code to include conformation of the extension to NotificationName so the name property is only added to the enums that conform to the protocol.
  • jlj
    jlj over 7 years
    Strictly equivalent but more logical IMO, you can define the extension on NotificationName (instead of RawRepresentable) like this: extension NotificationName where Self: RawRepresentable, Self.RawValue == String {
  • Leon
    Leon about 7 years
    It might be worth noting that this is the method suggested by Apple in WWDC 2016 Session 207
  • manmal
    manmal about 7 years
    @Jalakoo Only the cases in an enum should be lowercased, not the enum itself. Type names are uppercased, and enums are types.
  • shim
    shim over 6 years
    If using Notification.Name as opposed to the Objective-C NSNotification.Name you should note that now expects an object of type Notification. Posting looks like this:‌​, object: selectedSkin)). May appear more verbose, but it does make more sense verb-wise to post a Notification directly rather than a name of a notification. Not sure what version of Swift this started in, but I'm still in 3.2.
  • Kamil Harasimowicz
    Kamil Harasimowicz over 6 years
    @lluisgh no extra errors in Swift4, extension Notification.Name is enough
  • Admin
    Admin about 6 years
    > This throws an error; the methods you added in your extension accept more arguments.
  • Jonny
    Jonny over 5 years
    Nice, although I guess the string names have the risk of redundant values.
  • nickdnk
    nickdnk almost 4 years
    I had to extend NSNotification.Name in order to achieve this with Swift 5.
  • Mia
    Mia over 2 years