How do you drop a default value or similar constraint in T-SQL?


Solution 1

If you want to do this manually, you can use Management Studio to find it (under the Constraints node inside the table).

To do it using SQL:

  • If the constraints are default constraints, you can use sys.default_constraints to find it:

    SELECT OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id) AS TableName, name AS ConstraintName
    FROM sys.default_constraints ORDER BY TableName, ConstraintName
  • If you are looking for other constraints as well (check, unique, foreign key, default, primary key), you can use sysconstraints:

    SELECT OBJECT_NAME(id) AS TableName, OBJECT_NAME(constid) AS ConstraintName
    FROM sysconstraints ORDER BY TableName, ConstraintName

You do not say which version of SQL Server you are using. The above work on both SQL 2005 and SQL 2008.

Solution 2

You can use this code to do it automatically:

DECLARE @ConstraintName nvarchar(200)
SELECT @ConstraintName = Name 
    SELECT column_id FROM sys.columns
    WHERE NAME = @columnName AND object_id = OBJECT_ID(@tableName))
IF @ConstraintName IS NOT NULL
    EXEC('ALTER TABLE '+@tableName+' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + @ConstraintName)

Just replace <MYTABLENAME> and <MYCOLUMNNAME> as appropriate.

Solution 3

Or you can find it using sys.check_constraints catalog view.

Solution 4

You can find the name of the constraint out by sp_help [table name] and then drop it by name.

Or you can probably do this via Management studio.

Solution 5

For a single table and column in a single line use the following


If you have multiple constraints on the column you will need to discriminate on the constraint you are after, but if you just have a default constraint this will do the trick.

Check out the other columns available in the information_schema to allow you to discriminate further.

Frank Krueger
Author by

Frank Krueger

I am an engineer living in Seattle. I have been programming for about 15 years. I started out with video game hacking with the Code Alliance. Moved on to embedded systems development in an R&amp;D group at GM. Did way too much graphics (3D) programming. Then did a lot of network programming for large data centers. Was forced to get my Master's in Electrical Engineering. Got into compiler and interpreter development. Spent some time coding at Microsoft. Moved on a year later to start my own company creating control systems and web apps. I love programming and have spent way too much time learning too many languages, frameworks, APIs, paradigms, and operating systems. Super Secret Code: pL95Tr3

Updated on January 05, 2020


  • Frank Krueger
    Frank Krueger over 4 years

    I know the syntax:

    ALTER TABLE [TheTable] DROP CONSTRAINT [TheDefaultConstraint]

    but how to I drop the default constraint when I don't know its name? (That is, it was autogenerated at CREATE TABLE time.)

  • Torrents
    Torrents over 9 years
    The first query worked great in SQL 2008 r2 when I found the table's objectID first with DECLARE @ParentObjectId INT = (select OBJECT_ID from sys.objects where name = 'ParentTable' AND type = 'U') and added WHERE parent_object_id = @ParentObjectId to the query. Otherwise you're getting all of the default constraints in the database.
  • Chris
    Chris about 9 years
    For lazy people, (and Microsoft's SQL Server developers), in homage to this answer, replace the top two lines with CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.DropColumnDefaultOrConstraint @tableName VARCHAR(MAX), @columnName VARCHAR(MAX) AS then wrap in BEGIN and END and use EXEC DropColumnDefaultOrConstraint 'tablename', 'columnname';
  • Tim
    Tim almost 8 years
    I just don't understand why MS SQL doesn't automatically drop default constraints.
  • Cee McSharpface
    Cee McSharpface almost 8 years
    this automated script is essential for any roll-your-own database schema update engine. I wonder how EF migration tool does that? the underlying flaw, that SQL server generates names for anonymous defaults and requires you to know/obtain that name in order to change or drop it again, is an issue which should have been addressed in tsql syntax itself long ago. but it is still around in sql2016. @Tim yes, or at least a syntax to force the drop.
  • Tim
    Tim almost 8 years
    @dlatikay EF doesn't handle default constraints. It won't create them by default (since there is no way to set them with attributes or fluent api), but if you manually add them EF will never check to remove them on other changes. I don't know if this is true with Automatic migrations though.
  • Cee McSharpface
    Cee McSharpface almost 8 years
    @Tim the current version of EF can do it. I looked it up out of curiosity, and their approach is very similar: they retrieve the name from sys.default_constraints; look in line 577 and following, here
  • Tim
    Tim almost 8 years
    @dlatikay Oh thanks, good to know they fixed in the EF Core. I am still on 6. Worth the upgrade?
  • AperioOculus
    AperioOculus over 7 years
    This is nice, but it doesn't show the schema the tables are in. It would be nice if you added a join to sys.schemas.
  • Marcell
    Marcell about 6 years
    If you know the table name add a WHERE clause to the SELECT so you don't have to search in a possibly long list of table names. The auto generated names seem to contain truncated parts of the table and column name, which will let you identify the correct constraint. Good luck!