How do you write a setter for a single item in a list (not the whole list)?


get and set functions can't take any arguments. The simplest approach would be to use normal functions:

bool getQuestionsAnswered(int index) =>  _questionsAnswered[index];

void setQuestionsAnswered(int index, bool value) {
  _questionsAnswered[index] = value;
  saveParameterBoolean(_questionAnsweredParamKeys[index], _questionsAnswered[index]);

Another alternative would be to change _questionsAnswered from a List to a custom class that implements operator [] (to get an element) and operator []= (to set an element), and then you could make them do whatever you want.

Chris Bennett
Author by

Chris Bennett

Updated on December 01, 2022


  • Chris Bennett
    Chris Bennett over 1 year

    I have a class in my model that includes a list of bool. From my UI I want to set the bool state in just a single item in the list via a setter (so that I can also save it). I can't figure out the syntax (or whether this is a valid thing to do).

       ///This is OK
       set notificationDismissed(bool notificationDismissed){
         _notificationDismissed = notificationDismissed;
      bool get notificationDismissed => _notificationDismissed;
      ///This is OK too
      List<bool> get questionsAnswered => _questionsAnswered;
      set questionsAnswered(List<bool> questionsAnswered){
        _questionsAnswered = questionsAnswered;
        for(int i=0; i<_questionAnsweredParamKeys.length; i++ ){
      ///This is not OK !!!! but should show what I want to do
      List<bool> get questionsAnswered[index] => _questionsAnswered[index];
      set questionsAnswered[index](bool questionsAnswered[index]){
        _questionsAnswered[index] = questionsAnswered[index];

    I know I'm missing something obvious here, any help greatly appreciated

  • Chris Bennett
    Chris Bennett about 5 years
    Awesome, thank you, I'll just implement a function and move on :-)
  • Kasandrop
    Kasandrop about 3 years
    That is not true! set functions take arguments in dart but only one