How slow is Reflection


Solution 1

In most cases: more than fast enough. For example, if you are using this to create a DAL wrapper object, the time taken to create the object via reflection will be minuscule compared to the time it needs to connect to a network. So optimising this would be a waste of time.

If you are using reflection in a tight loop, there are tricks to improve it:

  • generics (using a wrapper where T : new() and MakeGenericType)
  • Delegate.CreateDelegate (to a typed delegate; doesn't work for constructors)
  • Reflection.Emit - hardcore
  • Expression (like Delegate.CreateDelegate, but more flexible, and works for constructors)

But for your purposes, CreateInstance is perfectly fine. Stick with that, and keep things simple.

Edit: while the point about relative performance remains, and while the most important thing, "measure it", remains, I should clarify some of the above. Sometimes... it does matter. Measure first. However, if you find it is too slow, you might want to look at something like FastMember, which does all the Reflection.Emit code quietly in the background, to give you a nice easy API; for example:

var accessor = TypeAccessor.Create(type);
List<object> results = new List<object>();
foreach(var row in rows) {
    object obj = accessor.CreateNew();
    foreach(var col in cols) {
        accessor[obj, col.Name] = col.Value;

which is simple, but will be very fast. In the specific example I mention about a DAL wrapper—if you are doing this lots, consider something like dapper, which again does all the Reflection.Emit code in the background to give you the fastest possible but easy to use API:

int id = 12345;
var orders = connection.Query<Order>(
    "select top 10 * from Orders where CustomerId = @id order by Id desc",
    new { id }).ToList();

Solution 2

Its slower compared to non-reflective code. The important thing is not if its slow, but if its slow where it counts. For instance, if you instantiate objects using reflection in web environment where expected concurency can rise up to 10K, it will be slow.

Anyway, its good not to be concerned about performance in advance. If things turns out to be slow, you can always speed them up if you designed things correctly so that parts that you expected might be in need of optimisation in future are localised.

You can check this famous article if you need speed up:

Dynamic... But Fast: The Tale of Three Monkeys, A Wolf and the DynamicMethod and ILGenerator Classes

Solution 3

Here are some links that might help:

Solution 4

I thought I'd do a quick test to demonstrate how slow reflection is compared to without.

With Reflection

  • Instantiating 58 objects by iterating through each of their Attributes and matching
  • Total Time: 52254 nanoseconds

    while (reader.Read()) {
        string[] columns = reader.CurrentRecord;
        CdsRawPayfileEntry toAdd = new CdsRawPayfileEntry();
        IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> rawPayFileAttributes = typeof(CdsRawPayfileEntry).GetProperties().Where(prop => Attribute.IsDefined(prop, typeof(CustomIndexAttribute)));
        foreach (var property in rawPayFileAttributes) {
            int propertyIndex = ((CustomIndexAttribute)property.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(CustomIndexAttribute))).Index;
            if (propertyIndex < columns.Length)
                property.SetValue(toReturn, columns[propertyIndex]);

Without Reflection

  • Instantiating 58 Objects by creating a new object
  • Total Time: 868 nanoseconds

        while (reader2.Read()) {
            string[] columns = reader2.CurrentRecord;
            CdsRawPayfileEntry toAdd = new CdsRawPayfileEntry() {
                ColumnZero = columns[0],
                ColumnOne = columns[1],
                ColumnTwo = columns[2],
                ColumnThree = columns[3],
                ColumnFour = columns[4],
                ColumnFive = columns[5],
                ColumnSix = columns[6],
                ColumnSeven = columns[7],
                ColumnEight = columns[8],
                ColumnNine = columns[9],
                ColumnTen = columns[10],
                ColumnEleven = columns[11],
                ColumnTwelve = columns[12],
                ColumnThirteen = columns[13],
                ColumnFourteen = columns[14],
                ColumnFifteen = columns[15],
                ColumnSixteen = columns[16],
                ColumnSeventeen = columns[17]

Albeit, not completely fair since the reflection also has to retrieve a specific attribute of every property 58*18 times on top of creating a new object via reflection, but it at least provides some perspective.

Solution 5

Reflection is not THAT slow. Invoking a method by reflection is about 3 times slower than the normal way. That is no problem if you do this just once or in non-critical situations. If you use it 10'000 times in a time-critical method, I would consider to change the implementation.


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Updated on July 05, 2022


  • user29964
    user29964 almost 2 years

    I recently created an interface layer to distinguish the DataAccessProvider from our Business logic layer. With this approach we can change our choice of DataAccessProvider whenever we want by changing the values in the Web/App.Config. (more details can be given if needed).

    Anyway, to do this we use reflection to accomplish our DataProvider class on which we can work.

    /// <summary>
    /// The constructor will create a new provider with the use of reflection.
    /// If the assembly could not be loaded an AssemblyNotFoundException will be thrown.
    /// </summary>
    public DataAccessProviderFactory()
        string providerName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataProvider"];
        string providerFactoryName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataProviderFactory"];
            activeProvider = Assembly.Load(providerName);
            activeDataProviderFactory = (IDataProviderFactory)activeProvider.CreateInstance(providerFactoryName);
            throw new AssemblyNotFoundException();

    But now I'm wondering how slow reflection is?

  • user6170001
    user6170001 about 15 years
    Don't be shocked. The longest time measured was 22 seconds for a million iterations. 22 microseconds per call for the worst case. Unless you're creating a huge number of these objects, it's really not a big deal. Of course, if you are creating a huge number of these objects, then it might be a big deal, but as Marc notes it's still going to be swamped by the database connection and query times. Don't be freaked out by "x times as slow" articles unless you know it's performance-critical.
  • Ruben Steins
    Ruben Steins about 15 years
    I agree, even though it is slower, for most applications, the performance penalty will not outweigh the benefits of using Reflection.
  • Jacob
    Jacob almost 15 years is quite capable of updating dependencies at runtime. If you update the config file and reload an instance from the factory, you'll get a reference to the updated instance. (Note that this does not work if you load the config from app.config, only if you use a separate spring XML file.
  • Seng Cheong
    Seng Cheong about 12 years
    If this is true, I really like this statement. "Invoking a method by reflection is about 3 times slower than the normal way." Do you have any references?
  • Enyra
    Enyra about 12 years
    Uf my post is about 3 years old, I cant remeber from where I got this information.
  • Daniel Bişar
    Daniel Bişar over 11 years
    If someone wants to see how the reflection emit works for accessing fields (it's not too complicated) See:…
  • Loathing
    Loathing almost 10 years
    I converted a data access layer from the FieldInfo and PropertyInfo GetValue SetValue to the compiled expression. The time it took to read 30,000 rows with 40 columns went from 4 seconds down to 1 second. However, in a side-by-side comparison, reflection is between 200 and 250 times slower than a compiled expression when setting and getting values.
  • Sangram Nandkhile
    Sangram Nandkhile over 8 years
    @Marc: I've been using reflection to get method, class name of current method to log the error in try-catch. basically to avoid hardcoding the function name while logging error. Do i need to worry?
  • Marc Gravell
    Marc Gravell over 8 years
    @Sangram probably not, no