How to add an Image into a JavaFx TableView column



Since the link doesn't work and I had multiple requests to update it, I am updating this with a new answer.

From the question, I am unsure if OP wants the image to be loaded from some field in NewBeautifulKiwi or does he wants to show the same image for all the data. So, I will answer for both the approaches.

Note: Approach 1 doesn't make much sense to me and exists only because I am confused about OP's requirement. The question is ~4 years old and I don't think clarifying from OP will have any impact. The suggested approach to handle these kinds of problem is 2.

  1. Load the same arrow.png for all the rows


KiwiId.setCellFactory(new Callback<TableColumn<NewBeautifulKiwi, Integer>, TableCell<NewBeautifulKiwi, Integer>>() {
    public TableCell<NewBeautifulKiwi, Integer> call(TableColumn<NewBeautifulKiwi, Integer> param) {
      TableCell<NewBeautifulKiwi, Integer> cell = new TableCell<NewBeautifulKiwi, Integer>() {
         public void updateItem(Integer item, boolean empty) {
            if (item != null) {
              imageview.setImage(new Image("arrow.png"));
      // Attach the imageview to the cell
      return cell;
 KiwiId.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<NewBeautifulKiwi, Integer>("KiwiId"));

  1. Load the Image from the a property in NewBeautifulKiwi. Since the column TableColumn<NewBeautifulKiwi, Image> KiwiId; seems like it should bind itself to a property image which is missing from NewBeautifulKiwi. I will introduce it and later use it to bind to this column's (renamed to 'kiwiImageCol') cell value factory.


@Entity(name = "KIWI_TABLE")
public class NewBeautifulKiwi implements Serializable {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private int KiwiId;
    private String Kiwi;
    private Image kiwiImage;

    public int getKiwiId() {
        return KiwiId;

    public void setKiwiId(int KiwiId) {
        this.KiwiId = KiwiId;

    public String getKiwi() {
        return Kiwi;

    public void setKiwi(String Kiwi) {
        this.Kiwi = Kiwi;

    public Image getKiwiImage() {
        return kiwiImage;

    public void setKiwiImage(Image kiwiImage) {
        this.kiwiImage = kiwiImage;

In the table, I will bind the TableColumn to this new property

private TableColumn<NewBeautifulKiwi, Image> KiwiImageCol;
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
    KiwiImageCol.setCellFactory(param -> {
       //Set up the ImageView
       final ImageView imageview = new ImageView();

       //Set up the Table
       TableCell<NewBeautifulKiwi, Image> cell = new TableCell<NewBeautifulKiwi, Image>() {
           public void updateItem(Image item, boolean empty) {
             if (item != null) {
        // Attach the imageview to the cell
        return cell;
   KiwiImageCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<NewBeautifulKiwi, Image>("kiwiImage"));

Outdated Answer

You forgot to bind the KiwiId with a CellValueFactory. Please go through the following example which uses a VBox in a column as it needs Image and a label. You may directly use a ImageView

Everything is described very nicely. Incase you still have doubts feel free to comment !

Author by


Updated on July 12, 2022


  • ILikeProgramming
    ILikeProgramming almost 2 years

    I'm trying to find a way to add an image to a JavaFx TableView column that has data in other columns populated from a H2 database via hibernate. The TableView has been designed in JavaFx Scene Builder.

    This is what I've managed to put together so far:

    The Controller Class:

    public class HomeController implements Initializable {
        private TableView<NewBeautifulKiwi> KIWI_TABLE;
        private TableColumn<NewBeautifulKiwi, Image> KiwiId;
        private TableColumn<NewBeautifulKiwi, String> Kiwi;
        public ObservableList<NewBeautifulKiwi> data;
        // Initializes the controller class.
        public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
            KiwiId.setCellFactory(new Callback<TableColumn<NewBeautifulKiwi, Image>, TableCell<NewBeautifulKiwi, Image>>() {
                public TableCell<NewBeautifulKiwi, Image> call(TableColumn<NewBeautifulKiwi, Image> param) {
                    //Set up the ImageView
                    final ImageView imageview = new ImageView();
                    //Set up the Table
                    TableCell<NewBeautifulKiwi, Image> cell = new TableCell<NewBeautifulKiwi, Image>() {
                        public void updateItem(NewBeautifulKiwi item, boolean empty) {
                            if (item != null) {
                    // Attach the imageview to the cell
                    return cell;
            Kiwi.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<NewBeautifulKiwi, String>("Kiwi"));
        private ObservableList<NewBeautifulKiwi> gobbledyGook() {
            data = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
            Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
            Transaction transaction = null;
            try {
                transaction = session.beginTransaction();
                List courses = session.createQuery("from KIWI_TABLE").list();
                for (Iterator iterator = courses.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                    NewBeautifulKiwi course = (NewBeautifulKiwi);
            } catch (HibernateException e) {
            } finally {
            return data;

    I get an error at imageview.setImage("arrow.png"); that says Incopatibletypes: String cannot be converted to Image.

    This is my very first time trying to add an image into a TableView.

    I've looked around since yesterday, but I now seem to be stuck. I was hoping for some help. I would really appreciate some help.

    This is the class that creates the database pojos:

    @Entity(name = "KIWI_TABLE")
    public class NewBeautifulKiwi implements Serializable {
        @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
        private int KiwiId;
        private String Kiwi;
        public int getKiwiId() {
            return KiwiId;
        public void setKiwiId(int KiwiId) {
            this.KiwiId = KiwiId;
        public String getKiwi() {
            return Kiwi;
        public void setKiwi(String Kiwi) {
            this.Kiwi = Kiwi;

    Thank you all in advance.

  • Brian Stallter
    Brian Stallter about 8 years
    I appreciate the blog example a lot. It got me almost to where I need to be, but I'd like to see your model for the example. I'm trying to add a tableColumn<colorLegend, Circle> and I cannot figure out how to add the Circle "property" in the colorLegend class. Thanks!
  • Brian Stallter
    Brian Stallter about 8 years
    Nevermind I found it. It needs to be an ObjectProperty. but I really appreciate the nice blog, that helped out a lot.
  • shinzou
    shinzou over 7 years
    Why Oracle post images of code and not copyable code? What is wrong with them?
  • shinzou
    shinzou over 7 years
    @BrianStallter if you still remember, can you post what fix this please?
  • Brian Stallter
    Brian Stallter over 7 years
    well there is no circle property, but in order to make the cell factory you need a property in your model that corresponds to the column you are creating. I was looking at how to get a "circle property", there is no circle property, but object properties do exist so I used that.
  • Brian Stallter
    Brian Stallter over 7 years
    I hope that answers your question. I'm not sure what part you were stuck on exactly.
  • ItachiUchiha
    ItachiUchiha over 6 years
    Updated answer as per request