How to add flags and/or arguments to a command in the 'sudoers' file


As stated in the comments, there isn't a way to control sudoers in the way requested, although there are fine grained permissions available in the system:

But even that isn't quite enough, you'd basically have to replace all the standard program libraries with scripts to filter flags. Which would be messy and potentially break the system.

Instead consider flipping the problem and creating users who don't need sudoers. Making sure they're in the right groups and using ACLs to expand permissions where needed so they can access the files they need without causing issues.


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Alex Lowe
Author by

Alex Lowe

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Alex Lowe
    Alex Lowe over 1 year

    How would I add flags and/or arguments to allow users in the sudoers file to run certain parts of commands, such as only allowing a user to run sudo rm and not sudo rm -rf? I am using 14.04.

    # This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
    # Please consider adding local content in /etc/sudoers.d/ instead of
    # directly modifying this file.
    # See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.
    Defaults    env_reset,pwfeedback
    Defaults    mail_badpass
    Defaults    secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
    # Host alias specification
    # User alias specification
    # Cmnd alias specification
    # User privilege specification
    root    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
    Ruby    ALL=/usr/bin/apt-get update,/usr/bin/rm,/usr/bin/rmdir,/usr/bin/mkdir
    # Members of the admin group may gain root privileges
    %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
    # Allow members of group sudo to execute any command
    %sudo   ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
    # See sudoers(5) for more information on "#include" directives:
    #includedir /etc/sudoers.d
    • Panther
      Panther almost 9 years
      I do not think you can have that fine grain of control over the commands directly. You can make a script, owned by root, in /usr/local/bin and give sudo to that. your_command -your_options @ , just test the input.
    • muru
      muru almost 9 years
      Say you block rm -rf. What's to prevent rm -f / -r?
    • Rinzwind
      Rinzwind almost 9 years
      Please explain the problem you have and not the solution you believe you need to apply. What you want here is not possible and the reason for it is because this method would be full of holes (as @muru already posted).
    • Alex Lowe
      Alex Lowe almost 9 years
      I do not have a problem I am just very curious.
    • Tim
      Tim almost 9 years
      Good answer :P @Rinz see response`
    • Rinzwind
      Rinzwind almost 9 years
      @alex ah good to know. What works is a "whitelist" -but- the fact you let that person use sudo is the problem: for instance a cp can be an used as an equivalent to rm making your rm fix in the sudoers file useless. If this would have been related to for instance updating /var/www/ for apache there are better methods (that is one example people need access outside their home).
    • j0h
      j0h over 8 years
      I think there are ways to exert the control you desire, but even if you control the rm command, what would stop someone from running mv / /dev/null anyhow, it would appear you want a pseudo sudoer. perhaps someone who can modify system files, or access certain hardware, but not someone who can destroy the system easily. Perhaps it would be easier to control which shell a user logs into. There prolly like a million answers to this question.