How to automatically insert a blank row after a group of data


Solution 1

This does exactly what you are asking, checks the rows, and inserts a blank empty row at each change in column A:

sub AddBlankRows()
dim iRow as integer, iCol as integer
dim oRng as range

set oRng=range("a1")


if cells(irow+1, iCol)<>cells(irow,iCol) then
    cells(irow+1,iCol).entirerow.insert shift:=xldown
end if
loop while not cells (irow,iCol).text=""
end sub

I hope that gets you started, let us know!


Solution 2

This won't work if the data is not sequential (1 2 3 4 but 5 7 3 1 5) as in that case you can't sort it.

Here is how I solve that issue for me:

Column A initial data that needs to contain 5 rows between each number - 5 4 6 8 9

Column B - 1 2 3 4 5 (final number represents the number of empty rows that you need to be between numbers in column A) copy-paste 1-5 in column B as long as you have numbers in column A.

Jump to D column, in D1 type 1. In D2 type this formula - =IF(B2=1,1+D1,D1) Drag it to the same length as column B.

Back to Column C - at C1 cell type this formula - =IF(B1=1,INDIRECT("a"&(D1)),""). Drag it down and we done. Now in column C we have same sequence of numbers as in column A distributed separately by 4 rows.

Solution 3

Select your array, including column labels, DATA > Outline -Subtotal, At each change in: column1, Use function: Count, Add subtotal to: column3, check Replace current subtotals and Summary below data, OK.

Filter and select for Column1, Text Filters, Contains..., Count, OK. Select all visible apart from the labels and delete contents. Remove filter and, if desired, ungroup rows.

Author by


Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Ben
    Ben almost 2 years

    I have created a sample table below that is similar-enough to my table in excel that it should serve to illustrate the question. I want to simply add a row after each distinct datum in column1 (simplest way, using excel, thanks).



    column1   |   column2   |  column3
      A       |     small   |  blue
      A       |     small   |  orange
      A       |     small   |  yellow
      B       |     med     |  yellow
      B       |     med     |  blue
      C       |     large   |  green
      D       |     large   |  green
      D       |     small   |  pink



    Note: the blank row after each distinct column1

    column1   |   column2   |  column3
      A       |     small   |  blue
      A       |     small   |  orange
      A       |     small   |  yellow
      B       |     med     |  yellow
      B       |     med     |  blue
      C       |     large   |  green
      D       |     large   |  green
      D       |     small   |  pink
    • scott
      scott over 11 years
      why? if you ever need to work with that table again it will be a pain. If it is simply for reading ability why not use conditional formatting?
    • Ben
      Ben over 11 years
      It's a fair question. I want to be able to navigate between the groups while I edit them using CTRL+up/down arrow. And it wouldn't be any trouble at all to get the table back into original format w/out any rows.
    • Our Man in Bananas
      Our Man in Bananas over 11 years
      Ben, I gave you a VBA answer to do it in one step
    • EEM
      EEM about 8 years
      Have you tried AutoFilter and\or PivotTable?
  • Our Man in Bananas
    Our Man in Bananas over 11 years
    I can also give you one without a loop if you like :)
  • Joshua Stafford
    Joshua Stafford almost 10 years
    copy/paste should almost never be the selected answer. select Philip's.
  • user3844877
    user3844877 over 9 years
    This is a fantastic solution , but when I change a1 to b1 or d1 it fails for some reason !
  • Our Man in Bananas
    Our Man in Bananas over 9 years
    @user3844877: that's because cells(irow+1, 1) = column 1, so for b1, you need to use cells(irow+1, 2) or alternatively something like cells(irow+1, iCol) and set iCol with iCol=activecell.column
  • Our Man in Bananas
    Our Man in Bananas over 9 years
    @user3844877 I have edit the code, try it now, just change the cell for oRng
  • user3844877
    user3844877 over 9 years
    Thanks so much , 'cells(irow+1, 2)' for b1 woked fine !
  • Our Man in Bananas
    Our Man in Bananas over 9 years
    @user3844877 you'd be better off looking at the new version of the code, as it's a better way of doing it without using SELECT or Activate
  • Alex Li
    Alex Li over 2 years
    How can I do this exact thing in Google Sheets?
  • Our Man in Bananas
    Our Man in Bananas over 2 years
    @AlexLi - you'd need to check macros in Sheets: