How to call refresh() on a kendo-grid from an Angular controller?


Solution 1

Found the answer. One other method of refreshing the datasource I read about was to do something like:;

This wasn't working for me as "read" was undefined. Looking at my datasource definition, I saw the reason, read needs a parameter (in this case "e"):

    vm.mainGridOptions = {
        dataSource: {
            transport: {
                read: function (e) {
                        then(function (data) {

To solve, I saved "e" in my scope and then reused it when I wanted to refresh:

    vm.mainGridOptions = {
        dataSource: {
            transport: {
                read: function (e) {
                        then(function (data) {
                            vm.optionCallback = e;

and then:

if (vm.optionCallback !== undefined) {;

Problem solved (I hope).

Solution 2

it's because you are using the options object to trigger the read, you should use the grid reference instead:

<div kendo-grid="vm.webapiGrid" options="vm.mainGridOptions">

as in:


hope that helps.

Michael Witt
Author by

Michael Witt

I have been developing software since 1985.: DEC Vax - C Programming - Ingres Database Unix (AIX/Ultrix/SCO) - 4GL programming - Informix Database Windows NT - C++ programming - Oracle Database Windows 2003 - Visual Basic and ASP programming - Oracle Database Windows 2008 - C# Winforms and ASP.NET programming, Silverlight and WCF - SQL Server DB Windows 2008R2 - ASP.NET MVC, WCF - SQL Server DB Front End - AngularJS, Bootstrap, TypeScript, Angular Quite a ride...

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Michael Witt
    Michael Witt about 2 years

    I'm attempting to follow several suggestions on refreshing a kendo-grid such as this.

    The essential is that in the html I have:

    <div kendo-grid="vm.webapiGrid" options="vm.mainGridOptions">

    Then in the controller I have:


    Note: I'm using the ControllerAs syntax so I am using "vm" rather than $scope.

    My problem is that "vm.webapiGrid" is undefined. This seems so straightforward, but I'm not sure why it is undefined.

  • Michael Witt
    Michael Witt over 9 years
    That starts to get me there (although I'd probably get my fingers chopped off for using a jquery selector). Problem is that the refresh function is expecting an event. If I evaluate, I see: function (e) { var that = this, length,.....
  • Kayvan Karim
    Kayvan Karim about 9 years… This asnwer also will help
  • snowYetis
    snowYetis about 8 years
    This tastes more like JQuery. It is a bad practice to use JQuery in an Angular application. So, instead of #grid1 it should be "scope" or "this"