Set pre-defined value for filter in Kendo UI Grid


Solution 1

Finally found a kendo forum question that set me in the right direction!

The solution is not to add the pre-set filter value while constructing the grid but to do it once the grid has finished building using the kendoGrid.dataSource.filter object:

angular.module('sgComponents').directive('sgGrid', [         
   return {
      restrict: 'AE',
      scope: { filterable: @sgFilterable, predefineFilterValue: @sgPredefineFilterValue},
      template: '<div class="sg-grid">\
                <div class="pager-bar">\
                   <div></div>\ // THE KENDO GRID
      link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
         function buildGrid() {
            //code same as in original question
            grid.kendoGrid(gridOptions); // build the grid
          * Builds the options for the grid
         function buildGridOptions(scope, attrs, grid) {             
            //code same as in original question

          * the grid has finished building so 
          * now get hold of it and pre-set the 
          * filter value.
          * The values (the field to filter, the type of filter and the value) 
          * are hard-coded here but ultimately would 
          * come from a JSON object on the scope, constructed
          * using values from the model
         kendoGrid ='kendoGrid'); // the grid

         //If the attribute to pre-set a filter value is true...             
         if (scope.predefineFilterValue === 'true') {             
            var ds = kendoGrid.dataSource; // the datasource object has a filter object
               "logic":"or", // could be 'and'
                  "field":"accountId", // the column you want to filter
                  "operator":"eq", // the type of filter
                  "value":105 // the value, hard-coded for testing

Solution 2

You should specify the filter option on the datasource of the grid.

var dataSource = new{
    data: [
        { name: "Jane Doe", age: 30 },
        { name: "John Doe", age: 33 }
    filter : [{
        field: "name", operator: "eq", value: "John Doe"

This should do the trick.

Author by


Java Developer using Stripes with JSON and Ajax; J2EE; JPA with Hibernate; Oracle database. Front-end Developer using angularJS, kendo ui, HTML5, css, jQuery, bower and grunt Thursday afternoon, I was two weeks into my new job as a front-end developer, facing a particularly knotty problem that HAD to be finished that same day. AngularJS was, at the time a strange beast to me, I'd tried everything I could think of how to get a filter on an input to search only for certain string sequences. Lunch came and went, I sat abandoned at my desk, hungry and sweating with no end in sight so decided to post, from the last chance saloon, a desperate cry for help. Seventeen minutes later, a Knight in Shining Armour called Nikos, came riding to my rescue all the way from Athens, and posted an answer that, quite literally saved my reputation. Here's to you, Nikos, wherever you might be. Efharisto' poli' #SOreadytohelp

Updated on June 26, 2022


  • Tone
    Tone about 2 years

    I want to set a user-defined search value in a filter on a kendo grid. As soon as the user opens the filter, the value will be placed into the search box. Any advice would be much appreciated.

    This is similar question to Set default filter for Kendo UI Grid except that I'm using angular js and I want a user-defined string filter value:

    A kendo grid with a pre-defined string value entered into the filter

    This is how I build my grid. I'm using angular js to create a div with custom attributes. The most notable attributes are sg-grid (the kendo grid itself), sg-filterable (set to true to indicate that this grid should be filterable) and sg-predefine-filter (also set to true to indicate that this grid's filter should have a string entered into the search box when it opens):

    1. Markup

      <div sg-grid sg-data="api/grid/accounts"
    2. Scripting (simplified to demo here)

      angular.module('sgComponents').directive('sgGrid', [         
         return {
            restrict: 'AE',
            scope: { filterable: @sgFilterable, predefineFilterValue: @sgPredefineFilterValue},
            template: '<div class="sg-grid">\
                          <div class="pager-bar">\
                             <div></div>\ // THE KENDO GRID
            link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
               function buildGrid() {
                  var grid = element.find(':nth-child(2)'); // 2nd DIV IN THE TEMPLATE
                  var gridOptions = buildGridOptions(scope, attrs, grid);
                  grid.kendoGrid(gridOptions); // build the grid
                 Builds the options for the grid
                function buildGridOptions(scope, attrs, grid) {
                   if (scope.filterable === 'true') {
                      opts.filterable = {};
                      opts.filterable.operators = {};
                      opts.filterable.operators.string = {}
                      if (scope.predefineFilterValue === 'true') { // set a pre-defined value if true
                         opts.filterable.operators.string = {
                            eq: 'Is equal to', value:'Test'
                      } else { // just show the filter option
                         opts.filterable.operators.string = {
                            eq: 'Is equal to'
    3. Here is an image of the console log:

    A screenshot of the console showing the JSON gridOptions object that I pass to the kendoGrid

    The outcome. As you can see, my value is added as another filter option. I don't want this, I want it to be in the input box as a value!

    A screenshot of the grid showing the filter with the value 'Test' in the wrong place.