how to change DNS server permanently on Ubuntu 20.04?


Solution 1

I believe I know how to resolve this. dhcpcd has a --nohook flag that instructs it to leave certain parts of your configuration alone. From my dhcpcd(8) man page:

-C, --nohook script
    Don't run this hook script. Matches full name, or prefixed with 2 numbers optionally ending with .sh.

    So to stop dhcpcd from touching your DNS settings you would do:-
    dhcpcd -C resolv.conf eth0 

So I altered my /lib/systemd/system/dhcpcd.service, changing the line



ExecStart=/usr/sbin/dhcpcd -C /etc/resolv.conf

Afterwards, the nameservers and in /etc/resolv.conf survive the reboot.

Solution 2

If your current DNS server is still your router (i.e., although you have declared the desired nameservers in /etc/netplan/[network-mager].yaml or via the GUI of NetworkManager, there are at least two solutions to try:

  1. You may configure these settings using the already mentioned GUI:

    a) Choose a connection (from the Wired or Wireless tab) and click Edit. b) Click on the IPv4 Settings tab c) Choose 'Automatic (DHCP) addresses only' instead of just 'Automatic (DHCP)'. d) Enter the DNS servers in the “DNS servers” field, separated by spaces (e.g. for OpenDNS). e) Click “Apply.”

Please, note that 'Automatic (DHCP) addresses only' means that the network you are connecting to uses a DHCP server to assign IP addresses but you want to assign DNS servers manually.

  1. or, if your DNS settigs are messed up by multiple programs updating it, you can use resolvconf:
sudo apt install resolvconf 
sudo systemctl enable --now resolvconf.service

then, edit /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head and insert your desired nameservers as:


Finally, to update /etc/resolv.conf run:

sudo resolvconf -u

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Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • grobber
    grobber over 1 year

    I know there are other posts here asking this, but those suggestions do not help, the configuration keeps changing and I simply cannot get my own changes to persist.

    I have the Google and servers in my Network Manager configuration in the GUI, and

    systemd-resolv --status returns

    Link 2 (enp38s0f1)
          Current Scopes: DNS    
    DefaultRoute setting: yes    
           LLMNR setting: yes    
    MulticastDNS setting: no     
      DNSOverTLS setting: no     
          DNSSEC setting: no     
        DNSSEC supported: no     
      Current DNS Server:
             DNS Servers:
              DNS Domain: ~.   

    Nevertheless, dig shows

    ;; Query time: 0 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Mon Oct 05 11:08:26 EDT 2020
    ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 83

    so my default route as DNS. Furthermore, /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink to /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf, which in turn reads

    # Generated by dhcpcd from enp38s0f1.dhcp, wlp0s20f3.dhcp
    # /etc/resolv.conf.head can replace this line
    domain fios-router.home
    # /etc/resolv.conf.tail can replace this line

    The only enp38s0f1.dhcp file on this system (I've searched /) is /run/dhcpcd/resolv.conf/enp38s0f1.dhcp, which reads

    # Generated by dhcpcd from enp38s0f1.dhcp
    domain fios-router.home
    search fios-router.home

    I have tried to write in other nameservers there, but they do not persist. In the past I've made the changes persistent by making the file immutable with chattr +i, but

    lsattr /run/dhcpcd/resolv.conf/enp38s0f1.dhcp


    lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on /run/dhcpcd/resolv.conf/enp38s0f1.dhcp

    so that attribute is not available here. And besides, I shouldn't have to make the file immutable anyway: there should presumably be some way I can control the DNS server..


    In response to comments below:

    $ dpkg -l *dnsmasq*
    | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
    |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
    ||/ Name             Version         Architecture Description
    un  dnsmasq          <none>          <none>       (no description available)
    ii  dnsmasq-base     2.80-1.1ubuntu1 amd64        Small caching DNS proxy and DHCP/TFTP server
    un  dnsmasq-base-lua <none>          <none>       (no description available)
    • user535733
      user535733 over 3 years
      Seems like you are asking the wrong question. A better question would be "How can I troubleshoot why my configuration does not persist across a reboot?"
    • Boris Hamanov
      Boris Hamanov over 3 years
      Your setup actually looks ok. However, the /etc/resolv.conf symlink might be wrong. Edit your question and show me cat /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf, and dpkg -l *dnsmasq*.
    • grobber
      grobber over 3 years
      cat: /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf: No such file or directory
    • Boris Hamanov
      Boris Hamanov over 3 years
      systemd-resolv --status correctly shows your desired DNS servers. What/where are you seeing a problem?
    • Boris Hamanov
      Boris Hamanov over 3 years
      Is DNS Automatic disabled in your NM GUI?
    • grobber
      grobber over 3 years
      Re: the problem: as per the original post, dig shows as the server rather than the desired And I don't see a DNS Automatic; I see DNS
    • Boris Hamanov
      Boris Hamanov over 3 years
      Right above DNS is a slide switch that says "Automatic".
  • Boris Hamanov
    Boris Hamanov over 3 years
    Did you check the DNS Automatic setting that we were discussing?
  • grobber
    grobber over 3 years
    there is no such switch; please see the screenshot at…
  • Boris Hamanov
    Boris Hamanov over 3 years
    You're looking at the wrong tab. Show me the ipv4 tab.
  • grobber
    grobber over 3 years
    Ah, I see! Yes, it's set to Automatic.
  • Boris Hamanov
    Boris Hamanov over 3 years
    Turn that to DISABLED, undo your dhcpcd edits, reboot, and see what happens. Are the DNS servers listed there also?
  • grobber
    grobber over 3 years
    I will, but as noted, I already have a working solution (which should be better documented anyway; these forceful DHCP resolv.conf rewrites come up much too often on these forums). Thanks for everything though!
  • Boris Hamanov
    Boris Hamanov over 3 years
    Yes, but your working solution may not be the most correct solution, if my way also works for you.
  • grobber
    grobber over 3 years
    I don't know what "most correct" means, and I certainly prefer to know how to do this in a terminal; that's the more portable solution. So I prefer it to yours, I'm afraid. Again, thank you though.
  • grobber
    grobber over 3 years
  • Thomas
    Thomas almost 3 years
    Rather than changing a file in /lib, a systemd drop-in file should be used to override the ExecStart line. Otherwise your changes might get overwritten by package upgrades.
  • Bob Ortiz
    Bob Ortiz over 2 years
    apt install doesn't work if you're without a working DNS. echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf changes it temporarily to CloudFlare DNS. I used it before applying this answer as a permanent fix.