How to change the background color of a QML Button Qt Quick Controls 2?


Solution 1

The common way for QtQuick.Controls 2 is to redefine default Control visual properties to customize a Control. The disadvantage of this approach as I said above is that you cannot change, for example, just background color. Overriding Control.background forcing you to redefine all the element, including border, colors, animation etc.

Looking at the Button's source we can see that defines default Control.background property based on a Control.palette. Using this property we can override the Control properties:

For example:

Button {        
    text: "Test button"
    palette {
        button: "green"

But you should understand that internal source could be changed in the future. Also you have to imagine for yourself what palette properties is used by specified Control.

In the example above I redefine palette for specified Control. But you can redefine the palette globally, either be setting the color in qtquickcontrols2.conf or by setting custom palette in C++ - QGuiApplication::setPalette().

Solution 2

Works with QT Quick 2:

Button {
        id: button
        text: qsTr("Button text")

        background: Rectangle {
                color: parent.down ? "#bbbbbb" :
                        (parent.hovered ? "#d6d6d6" : "#f6f6f6")

The above code change the button color when the button is down or hovered. It is also possible to add a border or other customizations.

Solution 3

You can do this simply with Material.background of Button:

    id: button

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Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • aviit
    aviit about 2 years

    I just want to change the background color of QML buttons but it seems there are no simple way. Can you tell me a simple way to change the background color of QML Button? Thanks!

    Update: a code I have searched:

    import QtQuick 2.6
    import QtQuick.Controls 2.1
    Button {
        id: control
        text: qsTr("Button")
        contentItem: Text {
            text: control.text
            font: control.font
            opacity: enabled ? 1.0 : 0.3
            color: control.down ? "#17a81a" : "#21be2b"
            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
            verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
            elide: Text.ElideRight
        background: Rectangle {
            implicitWidth: 100
            implicitHeight: 40
            opacity: enabled ? 1 : 0.3
            border.color: control.down ? "#17a81a" : "#21be2b"
            border.width: 1
            radius: 2
            color: "black"  // I update background color by this
    • eyllanesc
      eyllanesc almost 6 years
    • eyllanesc
      eyllanesc almost 6 years
      On the other hand, you point out that you are looking for a simple form, this makes me think that there is a non-simple form that you know, you could point it out.
    • aviit
      aviit almost 6 years
      I think qtquick-controls2. I will edit edit my question for adding a sample code.
    • eyllanesc
      eyllanesc almost 6 years
      What is the problem with your code?
    • aviit
      aviit almost 6 years
      First, I saw that the code is not simple as background.color="black". So I think maybe I wrong. Second, it seem that I lost some default effects of the button, ex: when I press the button, there are no effect as normal.
    • folibis
      folibis almost 6 years
      Button.background is not just for setting color. In fact, you take over all the button rendering, except its caption. So all default effects as hovering and pressing animation you have to realize yourself. Take a look at the ButtonStyle example
    • aviit
      aviit almost 6 years
      @folibis: That is, I don't want to re-implement myself anything, I just want to change the background color simply and keep others as it were. About your link, it is qtquickcontrols1, can we mix 1 vs 2?
  • aviit
    aviit almost 6 years
    Thanks for your answer. Just for one who want to change the text color too: palette { button: "black" buttonText: "white" }
  • Richard Jessop
    Richard Jessop about 5 years
    As of Quick.Controls 2.1, this does not work: Cannot assign to non-existent property "palette"
  • Evan Krause
    Evan Krause about 2 years
    With QtQuick.Controls 2.15 it doesn't work anymore: Unable to assign QString to QPalette