How to change the default location for File Open in VLC?


Solution 1

There is a way to change what is displayed in the Filename section but other than that, that is controlled by Windows File Dialog, not really by VLC.

Though after some checking, VLC does seem to write a string named lastVisited inside Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\QtProject\OrganizationDefaults\FileDialog with last opened file and nothing else from there.
Modifying it defaults it to file:///C:/Program Files/VideoLAN/VLC after VLC Media Player re-launch, I guess you'll have to leave this one alone for now.

Solution 2

What I do to set the default directory (currently running 3.0.4 Vetinari under Windows 7) is:

  1. Open VLC
  2. Media > Open Folder > [select folder]
  3. Close VLC and reopen

Doing this sets the registry as described by @Nurudin Imsirovic. Yes, it's bit awkward, but it works. Would be nice to have a setting for this under something like Tools > Preferences.

Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Anthony
    Anthony almost 2 years

    I want to change the default location for FILE OPEN in vLC media player Version 3.1. I think it is in preferences but cannot find it.