How to check if Windows Feature is installed and enabled with DISM.exe?


The command you are looking for is

dism /online /get-features

You can also use

dism /online /get-featureinfo /featurename:XXXXX

Where XXXXX is the name of the specific feature you are after. E.g TelnetServer

Don't forget to use an elevated command prompt with DISM.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Dadinho2000
    Dadinho2000 almost 2 years

    I have two tables, one is a table for users, another one is for microposts. They have one column in common, the user_id.

    > table "users":
    id   name    email            created_at       updated_at
      1    John  [email protected]       DD-MM-YY|H:M      DD-MM-YY|H:M
      2    Mike  [email protected]       DD-MM-YY|H:M      DD-MM-YY|H:M
      3    Duke  [email protected]       DD-MM-YY|H:M      DD-MM-YY|H:M
      4    Queen [email protected]       DD-MM-YY|H:M      DD-MM-YY|H:M
    > table "microposts"
    id   content          user_id
    7     "First Post"      1
    9     "Second Post"     2
    6     "Third Post"      3
    10    "Last Post"       4

    I want to display the last post created(DONE), with the posts' creator username. I know I have to Inner Join these two tables, i don't know how to do it in php.


    Quenn "Last Post"

  • icc97
    icc97 about 6 years