How to click first link in list of items after upgrading to Capybara 2.0?


Solution 1

You can just use:



first('.item > a').click

(if your default selector is :css)

Code in your question doesn't work as:

within ".item" do
  first(:link, "Agree").click

is equivalent to:

find('.item').first(:link, "Agree").click

Capybara finds several .item's so it raises an exception. I consider this behavior of Capybara 2 very good.

Solution 2

Try the following:

within ".item" do
  click_link("Agree", :match => :first)


Solution 3

This phrasing also works:

within first(".item") do
  click_link "Agree"

Solution 4

most of those solutions will not use Capybara's brilliant waiting features

better do as this link suggests:


If there isn’t an .active element on the page yet, first will return nil and the click will fail.


If you want to make sure there's exactly one

If you just want the first element
find(".active", match: :first).click
Capybara will wait for the element to appear before trying to click.

Note that match: :first is more brittle, because it will silently click on a different element if you introduce new elements which match.

Solution 5

Xpath can address the element. I'm not very good with it yet, but something like //div[@class='active'][1]/a

That may or may not work, but the point is that xpath can address an array of matches and pull out a particular one. You should be able to match with this.

A working example example from one of my projects:

within page.find("div.panel", text: /Proposals/) do
  within page.find('tr', text: /Foo/) do
    page.should have_xpath('td[3]', text: @today)
Author by


Updated on June 18, 2020


  • tomekfranek
    tomekfranek almost 4 years

    How to click first link in that case:

    <div class="item">
      <a href="/agree/">Agree</a>
    <div class="item">
      <a href="/agree/">Agree</a>
    within ".item" do
      first(:link, "Agree").click

    and I get this error:

      Ambiguous match, found 2 elements matching css ".item"

    And without the within I get this error:

    Failure/Error: first(:link, "Agree").click
      undefined method `click' for nil:NilClass
  • Dono
    Dono over 10 years
    amazing. And it works on simple page.find('#{css}', :match => :first).click Cheers for the really helpful answer
  • Mauricio Moraes
    Mauricio Moraes over 9 years
    Worked for me, thanks. Capybara 2.4.1 and poltergeist.
  • dgtized
    dgtized over 7 years
    I would recommend against using #first, it doesn't wait for an element to exist:…. If the content was created at runtime with JS first will return nil if it runs the expectation before the link is created.
  • keoghpe
    keoghpe almost 7 years
    This example isn't relevant to capybara
  • emptywalls
    emptywalls almost 7 years
    Isn't that jQuery?
  • katericata
    katericata about 4 years
    I believe this is the most accurate answer.
  • notapatch
    notapatch over 2 years
    Confused. Looking at Capybara first it says it waits default_max_wait_time seconds and for find it also waits the same amount of time. I mention this as it's an old article that's been updated and I wonder if something might have changed?