How to compare software versions using SQL Server?


Solution 1

declare @v1 varchar(100) = '5.12'
declare @v2 varchar(100) = '5.8'

    when CONVERT(int, LEFT(@v1, CHARINDEX('.', @v1)-1)) < CONVERT(int, LEFT(@v2, CHARINDEX('.', @v2)-1)) then 'v2 is newer'
    when CONVERT(int, LEFT(@v1, CHARINDEX('.', @v1)-1)) > CONVERT(int, LEFT(@v2, CHARINDEX('.', @v2)-1)) then 'v1 is newer'
    when CONVERT(int, substring(@v1, CHARINDEX('.', @v1)+1, LEN(@v1))) < CONVERT(int, substring(@v2, CHARINDEX('.', @v2)+1, LEN(@v1))) then 'v2 is newer'
    when CONVERT(int, substring(@v1, CHARINDEX('.', @v1)+1, LEN(@v1))) > CONVERT(int, substring(@v2, CHARINDEX('.', @v2)+1, LEN(@v1))) then 'v1 is newer'
    else 'same!'


Solution 2

You could use hierarchyid Which you can use by putting a / at the end and start of the string and casting it


SELECT CASE WHEN cast('/5.12/' as hierarchyid) > cast('/5.8/' as hierarchyid) THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END

That returns a Y

Solution 3

There was a very good solution from a duplicate question here: How to compare SQL strings that hold version numbers like .NET System.Version class?

After playing with the query for a while, I learned that it was not able to compare the last part when there are 4 or more parts (say, if the version number was, it would always treat the last one as 0). I have fixed that issue as well as came up with another function to compare two version numbers.

CREATE Function [dbo].[VersionNthPart](@version as nvarchar(max), @part as int) returns int as

    @ret as int = null,
    @start as int = 1,
    @end as int = 0,
    @partsFound as int = 0,
    @terminate as bit = 0

  if @version is not null
    Set @ret = 0
    while @partsFound < @part
      Set @end = charindex('.', @version, @start)
      If @end = 0 -- did not find the dot. Either it was last part or the part was missing.
        if @part - @partsFound > 1 -- also this isn't the last part so it must bail early.
            set @terminate = 1
        Set @partsFound = @part
        SET @end = len(@version) + 1; -- get the full length so that it can grab the whole of the final part.
        SET @partsFound = @partsFound + 1
      If @partsFound = @part and @terminate = 0
            Set @ret = Convert(int, substring(@version, @start, @end - @start))
            Set @start = @end + 1
  return @ret

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[CompareVersionNumbers]
    @Source nvarchar(max),
    @Target nvarchar(max),
    @Parts int = 4
-1 : target has higher version number (later version)
0 : same
1 : source has higher version number (later version)
    DECLARE @ReturnValue as int = 0;
    DECLARE @PartIndex as int = 1;
    DECLARE @SourcePartValue as int = 0;
    DECLARE @TargetPartValue as int = 0;
    WHILE (@PartIndex <= @Parts AND @ReturnValue = 0)
        SET @SourcePartValue = [dbo].[VersionNthPart](@Source, @PartIndex);
        SET @TargetPartValue = [dbo].[VersionNthPart](@Target, @PartIndex);
        IF @SourcePartValue > @TargetPartValue
            SET @ReturnValue = 1
        ELSE IF @SourcePartValue < @TargetPartValue
            SET @ReturnValue = -1
        SET @PartIndex = @PartIndex + 1;
    RETURN @ReturnValue

Usage/Test case:

declare @Source as nvarchar(100) = ''
declare @Target as nvarchar(100) = ''
SELECT [dbo].[CompareVersionNumbers](@Source, @Target, DEFAULT) -- default version parts are 4

SET @Source = ''
SET @Target = ''
SELECT [dbo].[CompareVersionNumbers](@Source, @Target, 4) -- typing out # of version parts also works

SELECT [dbo].[CompareVersionNumbers](@Source, @Target, 2) -- comparing only 2 parts should be the same

SET @Target = ''
SELECT [dbo].[CompareVersionNumbers](@Source, @Target, 4) -- only comparing up to parts 4 so they are the same
SELECT [dbo].[CompareVersionNumbers](@Source, @Target, 5) -- now comparing 5th part which should indicate that the target has higher version number

Solution 4

I recommend to create a SQL CLR function:

public partial class UserDefinedFunctions
    [SqlFunction(Name = "CompareVersion")] 
    public static bool CompareVersion(SqlString x, SqlString y)
        return Version.Parse(x) > Version.Parse(y);


  • SqlString has explicit cast to string.
  • Pass full version string as of a.b.c.d

Solution 5

I encountered this when trying to filter SQL rows based on semantic versioning. My solution was a bit different, in that I wanted to store configuration rows tagged with a semantic version number and then select rows compatible with a running version of our software.


  • My software will include a configuration setting containing the current version number
  • Data-driven configuration rows will include a min version number
  • I need to be able to select configuration rows where min <= current.


  • Version 1.0.0 should include: 1.0.0, 1.0.0-*, 1.0.0-beta.1
  • Version 1.0.0 should exclude: 1.0.1, 1.1.0, 2.0.0
  • Version 1.1.0-beta.2 should include: 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1.0-beta.1, 1.1.0-beta.2
  • Version 1.1.0-beta.2 should exclude: 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.2.0, 2.0.0, 1.1.1-beta.1


CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SemanticVersion] (
    @Version nvarchar(50)
RETURNS nvarchar(255)


    DECLARE @hyphen int = CHARINDEX('-', @version)
    SET @Version = REPLACE(@Version, '*', ' ')
        @left nvarchar(50) = CASE @hyphen WHEN 0 THEN @version ELSE SUBSTRING(@version, 1, @hyphen-1) END,
        @right nvarchar(50) = CASE @hyphen WHEN 0 THEN NULL ELSE SUBSTRING(@version, @hyphen+1, 50) END,
        @normalized nvarchar(255) = '',
        @buffer int = 8

    WHILE CHARINDEX('.', @left) > 0 BEGIN
        SET @normalized = @normalized + CASE ISNUMERIC(LEFT(@left, CHARINDEX('.', @left)-1))
            WHEN 0 THEN LEFT(@left, CHARINDEX('.', @left)-1)
            WHEN 1 THEN REPLACE(STR(LEFT(@left, CHARINDEX('.', @left)-1), @buffer), SPACE(1), '0')
        END  + '.'
        SET @left = SUBSTRING(@left, CHARINDEX('.', @left)+1, 50)
    SET @normalized = @normalized + CASE ISNUMERIC(@left)
        WHEN 0 THEN @left
        WHEN 1 THEN REPLACE(STR(@left, @buffer), SPACE(1), '0')

    SET @normalized = @normalized + '-'
    IF (@right IS NOT NULL) BEGIN
        WHILE CHARINDEX('.', @right) > 0 BEGIN
            SET @normalized = @normalized + CASE ISNUMERIC(LEFT(@right, CHARINDEX('.', @right)-1))
                WHEN 0 THEN LEFT(@right, CHARINDEX('.', @right)-1)
                WHEN 1 THEN REPLACE(STR(LEFT(@right, CHARINDEX('.', @right)-1), @buffer), SPACE(1), '0')
            END  + '.'
            SET @right = SUBSTRING(@right, CHARINDEX('.', @right)+1, 50)
        SET @normalized = @normalized + CASE ISNUMERIC(@right)
            WHEN 0 THEN @right
            WHEN 1 THEN REPLACE(STR(@right, @buffer), SPACE(1), '0')
        SET @normalized = @normalized + 'zzzzzzzzzz'

    RETURN @normalized


SQL tests include:

SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0-alpha') < dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0-alpha.1') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0-alpha.1') < dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0-alpha.beta') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0-alpha.beta') < dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0-beta') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0-beta') < dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0-beta.2') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0-beta.2') < dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0-beta.11') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0-beta.11') < dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0-rc.1') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0-rc.1') < dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END

SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0-*') <= dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.*') <= dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.*') <= dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('*') <= dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END

SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0-*') <= dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.1-*') > dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.0') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.1-*') <= dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.1') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.1.*') > dbo.SemanticVersion('1.0.9') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.1.*') <= dbo.SemanticVersion('1.2.0') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.*') <= dbo.SemanticVersion('2.0.0') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('1.*') > dbo.SemanticVersion('0.9.9-beta-219') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.SemanticVersion('*') <= dbo.SemanticVersion('0.0.1-alpha-1') THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END
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Updated on July 26, 2022


  • Kermit
    Kermit almost 2 years

    When trying to compare software versions 5.12 to 5.8, version 5.12 is newer, however mathematically 5.12 is less than 5.8. How would I compare the two versions so that a newer version returns 'Y'?


    Possible Solutions

    1. Add a 0 after the decimal in 5.8 so that it compares 5.08 to 5.12, however it seems like this would require a bit of code.
    2. Simply compare values after the decimal (ie. 12 > 8), however this fails when the version rolls to 6.0.
    3. Use reverse logic and assume that if 5.12 is less than 5.8 to return 'Y'. I believe this would fail when the version rolls to 6.0.
  • Kermit
    Kermit almost 12 years
    Can you elaborate what you mean by "Do not store in a string what is not a string?"
  • TomTom
    TomTom almost 12 years
    Simple 5.12 is NOT A STRING - it is a sequence of 2 numbers (5, 12). Stroring them in a varchar is forcing string semantics on that - which do not work. Storing them in a custom type means you can put proper semantics in. has details about that.
  • Kermit
    Kermit almost 12 years
    Perhaps I should have added that I am storing these as decimals.
  • TomTom
    TomTom almost 12 years
    As bad - they are NOT DECIMALS either, so you (a) waste space and (b) impose a wrong semantics over them.
  • Kermit
    Kermit almost 12 years
    I'm not sure if I'm not testing this correctly, but it seems to fail when @var = 5.14 and @var2 = 5.8.
  • praveen
    praveen almost 12 years
    I haven't executed the query but you can convert parsename to int example cast(PARSENAME(@var,1) as int .I have updated my answer !!
  • Kermit
    Kermit almost 12 years
    When data type is float, it does not work when the version ends in .0.
  • Kermit
    Kermit almost 12 years
    The current version number was compared to the version in a row, which was stored as a decimal.
  • DaveE
    DaveE almost 11 years
    And this can easily be extended out to n-part version numbers as necessary.
  • Ulysses Alves
    Ulysses Alves over 3 years
    This would not work for versions with more than just two digits. E.g: 1.3.0.
  • gluttony
    gluttony over 3 years
    Thanks for you answer, I didn't find a way to easily extend this to n-part then I posted my own answer: with this you can also for example compare a version "1.2" with "1.2.1" (will return -1, v1 < v2) as "1.2" will be considered as "1.2.0", it is not an usual check but in case during time a digit is added to version a "1.2" will actually be considered equal to "1.2.0".