How to convert array of ActiveRecord models to CSV?


Solution 1

The following will write the attributes of all users to a file:"path/to/file.csv", "wb") do |csv|
  csv << User.attribute_names
  User.find_each do |user|
    csv << user.attributes.values

Similarly you could create a CSV string:

csv_string = CSV.generate do |csv|
  csv << User.attribute_names
  User.find_each do |user|
    csv << user.attributes.values

Solution 2

@rudolph9's answer is really awesome. I just want to leave a note for people who need to do this task periodically: making it as a rake task would be a good idea!


# usage:
# rake csv:users:all => export all users to ./user.csv
# rake csv:users:range start=1757 offset=1957 => export users whose id are between 1757 and 1957
# rake csv:users:last number=3   => export last 3 users
require 'csv' # according to your settings, you may or may not need this line

namespace :csv do
  namespace :users do
    desc "export all users to a csv file"
    task :all => :environment do
      export_to_csv User.all

    desc "export users whose id are within a range to a csv file"
    task :range => :environment do |task, args|
      export_to_csv User.where("id >= ? and id < ?", ENV['start'], ENV['offset'])

    desc "export last #number users to a csv file"
    task :last => :environment do |task, arg|
      export_to_csv User.last(ENV['number'].to_i)

    def export_to_csv(users)"./user.csv", "wb") do |csv|
        csv << User.attribute_names
        users.each do |user|
          csv << user.attributes.values

Solution 3

This might be off the original question but solve the problem. If you plan to make all or some of your Active Record models be able to convert to csv, you can use ActiveRecord concern. An example is shown below

module Csvable
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern 

  class_methods do
    def to_csv(*attributes)
      CSV.generate(headers: true) do |csv| 
        csv << attributes 

        all.each do |record| 
          csv << { |attr| record.send(attr) }

The attribute provided will be used as the header for the CSV and it is expected that this attribute corresponds to methods name in the included class. Then you can include it in any ActiveRecord class of your choice, in this case, the User class

class User 
  include Csvable 



User.where(id: [1, 2, 4]).to_csv(:id, :name, :age)

Note: This only works for ActiveRecord relation and not for arrays

Solution 4

If you need something quick and dirty, not so much for production as just grabbing some data for a non-technical user, you could paste this in console:

require 'csv'
class ActiveRecord::Relation
  def to_csv
    ::CSV.generate do |csv|
      csv << self.model.attribute_names
      self.each do |record|
        csv << record.attributes.values

Then do:,:name).all.to_csv

If you were going to production, I'd probably turn this into a decorator around ActiveRecord::Relation and more precisely ensuring that the order of your fields/attributes.

Solution 5

with julia_builder you can configure a csv export pretty easily.

class UserCsv < Julia::Builder
  # specify column's header and value
  column 'Birthday', :dob
  # header equals 'Birthday' and the value will be on `user.dbo`

  # when header and value are the same, no need to duplicate it.
  column :name
  # header equals 'name', value will be ``

  # when you need to do some extra work on the value you can pass a proc.
  column 'Full name', -> { "#{ name.capitalize } #{ last_name.capitalize }" }

  # or you can pass a block
  column 'Type' do |user|

and then

users = User.all
Author by


I like to work on hard technical problems.

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Henley
    Henley almost 2 years

    I got an array of ActiveRecord models that I wish to convert to a CSV. I tried researching gems like FasterCSV, but they just seem to work with strings and arrays, not ActiveRecord models.

    In short, I want to convert:

    user1 = User.first
    user2 = User.last
    a = [user1, user2]


        1,user1,user 1 bio,user1 email
        1,user2,user 2 bio,user2 email

    Is there an easy Rails way to do this?

  • Stefan
    Stefan over 10 years
    You can just use csv << user.attributes.values
  • Henley
    Henley over 10 years
    How can I render this CSV string in my controller? In other words I want the page to return a CSV to the user.
  • rudolph9
    rudolph9 over 10 years
    @HenleyChiu Checkout comma, it enables you to render CSV data the "rails-way" respond_to { |format| format.csv { render :csv => }}
  • Mike Glenn
    Mike Glenn almost 7 years
    This fails with a "NoMethodError: undefined method 'model' for ActiveRecord::Relation" if you use it on a named scope instead of .all. Anyone have a suggested fix?
  • Mario Olivio Flores
    Mario Olivio Flores almost 7 years
    Hum... In what context are you calling this? Perhaps you're loading this before AR had actually loaded somehow? Since model is an attribute on AR::R, maybe it is not set when the results are empty. Are you sure there are records in your returned result? You could also try calling all on your named scope, but I'd be surprised if they helped.
  • Mike Glenn
    Mike Glenn over 6 years
    Its the same context that the .all.to_csv works in, I just change .all to a named scope I have defined in the model. it has something to do with the scope creating a proxy object, but I was unable to get much further in digging into the issue. Its not a show stopper for me but it would be nice to figure out a way to make it work, since it is a generic and very elegant solution.
  • davkutalek
    davkutalek about 5 years
    This is the best answer: find_each batches your sql queries so that you don't use massive amounts of memory
  • davkutalek
    davkutalek about 5 years
    This will load all your users into memory. If you have a ton of records @YukiInoue has the better answer
  • rudolph9
    rudolph9 about 5 years
    @davkutalek good point. I just updated may answer to make use of #find_each like @Yukilnoue . Thank you for pointing that out