Missing or stray quote in line 1 (CSV::MalformedCSVError)


Solution 1

Your CSV data came from Windows and has CRLF (ie. "\r\n") line endings instead of "\n", you'll need to strip out the "\r"s before trying to parse it:

CSV.parse(csv.gsub /\r/, '')


After additional info from OP:

CSV.parse(csv.read.gsub /\r/, '')

Solution 2

This error can also be caused by double quotes that do not come at the beginning of a field and are not escaped with two double quotes.

The error would occur in third field in the following example:

"Issue", "posted by Gary", "He said "I'm having issues importing" ","12345"

The double quotes in "I'm having issues" will be caught by the regular-expression (/[^"]"[^"]/) found in stray_quote, a variable in the csv.rb file used to raise the MalformedCSVError error on line 1863.

To get around this, you'll need to escape the double quotes with another double quote like so:

"He said ""I'm having issues importing"" "

Hope this helps.

Solution 3

You may also encounter this issue if the CSV column separation character is not correctly set.

By default, Ruby assumes ,. This is true for most open source software, like OpenOffice. Microsoft Excel, in the contrary, uses ; when exporting to CSV.

Therefore, use the col_sep option like so:

CSV.parse(csv, col_sep: ';')

Author by


I've been working with ruby and programming in general for about 3 months. I love to learn and want to learn more!

Updated on June 22, 2022


  • gary1410
    gary1410 almost 2 years

    I'm having issues importing this CSV file in ruby/rails

    The error message I'm getting is this:

    Missing or stray quote in line 1 (CSV::MalformedCSVError)

    But I'm not sure what's happening because my CSV looks perfectly fine. Here's sample data below:

    ,1234456,John,Doe,TRUE,"Baltimore, MD",0002012,14/FA_ERLIT_6999_U15AA,Directed Independent Study,"Jane Hicks , Jill Saunders",2,14/FA,9/3/14,12/17/14,B-,2,EME.2270.TCBAL.01,EME.2270.TCBAL.01, ,3.3,3.148,12/SU,A,9/2/14
    ,1234455,John,Doe,TRUE,"Baltimore, MD",0002012,14/FA_ERSPD_6999_U15AG,Directed Independent Study,"Jane Hicks , Jill Saunders",3,14/FA,9/3/14,12/17/14,A-,3,EME.2270.TCBAL.01,EME.2270.TCBAL.01, ,3.3,3.148,12/SU,A,9/2/14

    To give context, effectively the csv looks like this, with the lesley_grades as the first column. The over CSV script file will look for the first column and check that active an Active Record object, then it stores it the db with that exact same model name, assuming all migrations are pre-set.

    lesley_grades   lesley_id   last   first    active  
                     1234556    Doe    John     TRUE    
                     1123445    Doe    John     TRUE

    Here's part of the code that's causing me issues

    def import!(csv)
     csv_reader = CSV.parse(csv)
     ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
      csv_reader.each do |row|
        set_record_class_and_columns(row) if header_row?(row)
        if columns_mapping_defined? && record_class_defined? && record_row?(row)
      if imports_failed?
        puts 'Aborting importing and rolling back...'
        raise ActiveRecord::Rollback


    It can't get passed this line csv_reader = CSV.parse(csv)

    before I put the quotes in the headers I was getting this error

    Unquoted fields do not allow \r or \n (line 1). (CSV::MalformedCSVError)


    The CSV gets started from the command line like this:

    rails runner scripts/import_csv.rb < lesley_grades.csv

    which then gets initialized here


    But as @smathy suggests I changed the method to CSV.parse(csv.gsub /\r/, '')

    but now the def import! method to take in a gsub block produces this error

    in `import!': undefined method `gsub' for #<IO:<STDIN>> (NoMethodError)

    Not sure how to make CSV an object?

    Any suggestions or refactoring to make this work? Thanks all

  • gary1410
    gary1410 about 9 years
    So, it apparently gets passed the previous error but now csv.gsub can't work because csv isn't an object? It's coming from the command line. Check above updates. Thanks so far with this...it too me 2 hours to even get passed that previous error.
  • gary1410
    gary1410 about 9 years
    Oh, wow great! Thanks! I can't believe I missed that. And of course, if you're implying to give you the green check - then of course!
  • smathy
    smathy about 9 years
    I wasn't implying that, although it's a good call now :) Take a read of What should I do when someone answers my question? - summary: upvoting is the way to say thanks.
  • tommyalvarez
    tommyalvarez over 5 years
    This reads the whole file contents into memory, in large files will degrade performance. Is there no other way??
  • smathy
    smathy over 5 years
    Recent versions of Ruby don't seem to stumble over \r\n anymore, did you try just using CSV.foreach or friends?