How to convert decimal number to words (money format) using PHP?


Solution 1

There's a PEAR library that can do this.


Or you can, at the end of your code, do this

echo $test . ' cents';

Solution 2

indian version

function convert_number_to_words($number) {

    $hyphen      = '-';
    $conjunction = ' and ';
    $separator   = ', ';
    $negative    = 'negative ';
    $decimal     = ' point ';
    $dictionary  = array(
        0                   => 'zero',
        1                   => 'one',
        2                   => 'two',
        3                   => 'three',
        4                   => 'four',
        5                   => 'five',
        6                   => 'six',
        7                   => 'seven',
        8                   => 'eight',
        9                   => 'nine',
        10                  => 'ten',
        11                  => 'eleven',
        12                  => 'twelve',
        13                  => 'thirteen',
        14                  => 'fourteen',
        15                  => 'fifteen',
        16                  => 'sixteen',
        17                  => 'seventeen',
        18                  => 'eighteen',
        19                  => 'nineteen',
        20                  => 'twenty',
        30                  => 'thirty',
        40                  => 'fourty',
        50                  => 'fifty',
        60                  => 'sixty',
        70                  => 'seventy',
        80                  => 'eighty',
        90                  => 'ninety',
        100                 => 'hundred',
        1000                => 'thousand',
        100000             => 'lakh',
        10000000          => 'crore'

    if (!is_numeric($number)) {
        return false;

    if (($number >= 0 && (int) $number < 0) || (int) $number < 0 - PHP_INT_MAX) {
        // overflow
            'convert_number_to_words only accepts numbers between -' . PHP_INT_MAX . ' and ' . PHP_INT_MAX,
        return false;

    if ($number < 0) {
        return $negative . $this->convert_number_to_words(abs($number));

    $string = $fraction = null;

    if (strpos($number, '.') !== false) {
        list($number, $fraction) = explode('.', $number);

    switch (true) {
        case $number < 21:
            $string = $dictionary[$number];
        case $number < 100:
            $tens   = ((int) ($number / 10)) * 10;
            $units  = $number % 10;
            $string = $dictionary[$tens];
            if ($units) {
                $string .= $hyphen . $dictionary[$units];
        case $number < 1000:
            $hundreds  = $number / 100;
            $remainder = $number % 100;
            $string = $dictionary[$hundreds] . ' ' . $dictionary[100];
            if ($remainder) {
                $string .= $conjunction . $this->convert_number_to_words($remainder);
        case $number < 100000:
            $thousands   = ((int) ($number / 1000));
            $remainder = $number % 1000;

            $thousands = $this->convert_number_to_words($thousands);

            $string .= $thousands . ' ' . $dictionary[1000];
            if ($remainder) {
                $string .= $separator . $this->convert_number_to_words($remainder);
        case $number < 10000000:
            $lakhs   = ((int) ($number / 100000));
            $remainder = $number % 100000;

            $lakhs = $this->convert_number_to_words($lakhs);

            $string = $lakhs . ' ' . $dictionary[100000];
            if ($remainder) {
                $string .= $separator . $this->convert_number_to_words($remainder);
        case $number < 1000000000:
            $crores   = ((int) ($number / 10000000));
            $remainder = $number % 10000000;

            $crores = $this->convert_number_to_words($crores);

            $string = $crores . ' ' . $dictionary[10000000];
            if ($remainder) {
                $string .= $separator . $this->convert_number_to_words($remainder);
            $baseUnit = pow(1000, floor(log($number, 1000)));
            $numBaseUnits = (int) ($number / $baseUnit);
            $remainder = $number % $baseUnit;
            $string = $this->convert_number_to_words($numBaseUnits) . ' ' . $dictionary[$baseUnit];
            if ($remainder) {
                $string .= $remainder < 100 ? $conjunction : $separator;
                $string .= $this->convert_number_to_words($remainder);

    if (null !== $fraction && is_numeric($fraction)) {
        $string .= $decimal;
        $words = array();
        foreach (str_split((string) $fraction) as $number) {
            $words[] = $dictionary[$number];
        $string .= implode(' ', $words);

    return $string;

Solution 3

<?php function numtowords($num){ 
$decones = array( 
            '01' => "One", 
            '02' => "Two", 
            '03' => "Three", 
            '04' => "Four", 
            '05' => "Five", 
            '06' => "Six", 
            '07' => "Seven", 
            '08' => "Eight", 
            '09' => "Nine", 
            10 => "Ten", 
            11 => "Eleven", 
            12 => "Twelve", 
            13 => "Thirteen", 
            14 => "Fourteen", 
            15 => "Fifteen", 
            16 => "Sixteen", 
            17 => "Seventeen", 
            18 => "Eighteen", 
            19 => "Nineteen" 
$ones = array( 
            0 => " ",
            1 => "One",     
            2 => "Two", 
            3 => "Three", 
            4 => "Four", 
            5 => "Five", 
            6 => "Six", 
            7 => "Seven", 
            8 => "Eight", 
            9 => "Nine", 
            10 => "Ten", 
            11 => "Eleven", 
            12 => "Twelve", 
            13 => "Thirteen", 
            14 => "Fourteen", 
            15 => "Fifteen", 
            16 => "Sixteen", 
            17 => "Seventeen", 
            18 => "Eighteen", 
            19 => "Nineteen" 
$tens = array( 
            0 => "",
            2 => "Twenty", 
            3 => "Thirty", 
            4 => "Forty", 
            5 => "Fifty", 
            6 => "Sixty", 
            7 => "Seventy", 
            8 => "Eighty", 
            9 => "Ninety" 
$hundreds = array( 
            ); //limit t quadrillion 
$num = number_format($num,2,".",","); 
$num_arr = explode(".",$num); 
$wholenum = $num_arr[0]; 
$decnum = $num_arr[1]; 
$whole_arr = array_reverse(explode(",",$wholenum)); 
$rettxt = ""; 
foreach($whole_arr as $key => $i){ 
    if($i < 20){ 
        $rettxt .= $ones[$i]; 
    elseif($i < 100){ 
        $rettxt .= $tens[substr($i,0,1)]; 
        $rettxt .= " ".$ones[substr($i,1,1)]; 
        $rettxt .= $ones[substr($i,0,1)]." ".$hundreds[0]; 
        $rettxt .= " ".$tens[substr($i,1,1)]; 
        $rettxt .= " ".$ones[substr($i,2,1)]; 
    if($key > 0){ 
        $rettxt .= " ".$hundreds[$key]." "; 

$rettxt = $rettxt." peso/s";

if($decnum > 0){ 
    $rettxt .= " and "; 
    if($decnum < 20){ 
        $rettxt .= $decones[$decnum]; 
    elseif($decnum < 100){ 
        $rettxt .= $tens[substr($decnum,0,1)]; 
        $rettxt .= " ".$ones[substr($decnum,1,1)]; 
    $rettxt = $rettxt." centavo/s"; 
return $rettxt;} ?>

you can use this by

echo numtowords(156.50);

output is

One Hundred Fifty Six peso/s and Fifty centavo/s only.

Credit to the owner: Alex Culango PS: i've edited some lines because it has some error when the tens have "0" and also for proper decimal conversion to words and the peso and centavo placement.

Solution 4

If you don't want to edit the function, a quick and dirty way you can do this is by hacking the parts where it prints the words, like this: It should work like the way you wanted it to.

Solution 5

For Indian Currnecy 
For Indian Currency
<title> Number to word converter</title>
$ones =array('',' One',' Two',' Three',' Four',' Five',' Six',' Seven',' Eight',' Nine',' Ten',' Eleven',' Twelve',' Thirteen',' Fourteen',' Fifteen',' Sixteen',' Seventeen',' Eighteen',' Nineteen');
$tens = array('','',' Twenty',' Thirty',' Fourty',' Fifty',' Sixty',' Seventy',' Eighty',' Ninety',);
$triplets = array('',' Thousand',' Lac',' Crore',' Arab',' Kharab');

function Show_Amount_In_Words($num) {
  global $ones, $tens, $triplets;
$str ="";

//$num =(int)$num;
$th= (int)($num/1000); 
$x = (int)($num/100) %10;
$fo= explode('.',$num);

if($fo[0] !=null){
$y=(int) substr($fo[0],-2);


if($x > 0){
    $str =$ones[$x].' Hundred';

 $str .=$ones[$y];

else {
    $str .=$tens[($y/10)].$ones[($y%10)];

    $lk = $th%100;
    $th = (int)($th/100);
    $count =$tri;

        if($lk == 0){
        $tri =0;}
        $str = $ones[$lk].$triplets[$tri].$str;
        $str = $tens[$lk/10].$ones[$lk%10].$triplets[$tri].$str;
$num =(float)$num;
     $fo= (String) $num;
      $fo= explode('.',$fo);
       $fo1= @$fo[1];

    $fo1 =0;
$check = (int) $num;
 if($check !=0){
          return $str.' Rupees'.forDecimal($fo1);
       return forDecimal($fo1);
}//End function Show_Amount_In_Words

   $num = $_POST['num'];
 echo Show_Amount_In_Words($num);

//function for decimal parts
 function forDecimal($num){
    global $ones,$tens;
    $len = strlen($num);
    $x= $num%100;
        $str = $ones[$x].' Paise';
        $str = $tens[$x/10].$ones[$x%10].' Paise';
     return $str;
<form action='#' method='post'>
<input type='text' name='num' size='20'>
<input type='submit' name='submit' />
Author by


Too many to mention. :-)

Updated on July 20, 2022


  • Jerielle
    Jerielle almost 2 years

    I just need a little help here. Because I am creating a code for converting decimals to Money format in words. For example if

    I have this number


    the output should be

    'two thousand one hundred forty three and forty-five cents'

    I found a code like this but I don't have an idea how to include cents.

    function convertNumber($number)
        list($integer, $fraction) = explode(".", (string) $number);
        $output = "";
        if ($integer{0} == "-")
            $output = "negative ";
            $integer    = ltrim($integer, "-");
        else if ($integer{0} == "+")
            $output = "positive ";
            $integer    = ltrim($integer, "+");
        if ($integer{0} == "0")
            $output .= "zero";
            $integer = str_pad($integer, 36, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
            $group   = rtrim(chunk_split($integer, 3, " "), " ");
            $groups  = explode(" ", $group);
            $groups2 = array();
            foreach ($groups as $g)
                $groups2[] = convertThreeDigit($g{0}, $g{1}, $g{2});
            for ($z = 0; $z < count($groups2); $z++)
                if ($groups2[$z] != "")
                    $output .= $groups2[$z] . convertGroup(11 - $z) . (
                            $z < 11
                            && !array_search('', array_slice($groups2, $z + 1, -1))
                            && $groups2[11] != ''
                            && $groups[11]{0} == '0'
                                ? " and "
                                : ", "
            $output = rtrim($output, ", ");
        if ($fraction > 0)
            $output .= " point";
            for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($fraction); $i++)
                $output .= " " . convertDigit($fraction{$i});
        return $output;
    function convertGroup($index)
        switch ($index)
            case 11:
                return " decillion";
            case 10:
                return " nonillion";
            case 9:
                return " octillion";
            case 8:
                return " septillion";
            case 7:
                return " sextillion";
            case 6:
                return " quintrillion";
            case 5:
                return " quadrillion";
            case 4:
                return " trillion";
            case 3:
                return " billion";
            case 2:
                return " million";
            case 1:
                return " thousand";
            case 0:
                return "";
    function convertThreeDigit($digit1, $digit2, $digit3)
        $buffer = "";
        if ($digit1 == "0" && $digit2 == "0" && $digit3 == "0")
            return "";
        if ($digit1 != "0")
            $buffer .= convertDigit($digit1) . " hundred";
            if ($digit2 != "0" || $digit3 != "0")
                $buffer .= " and ";
        if ($digit2 != "0")
            $buffer .= convertTwoDigit($digit2, $digit3);
        else if ($digit3 != "0")
            $buffer .= convertDigit($digit3);
        return $buffer;
    function convertTwoDigit($digit1, $digit2)
        if ($digit2 == "0")
            switch ($digit1)
                case "1":
                    return "ten";
                case "2":
                    return "twenty";
                case "3":
                    return "thirty";
                case "4":
                    return "forty";
                case "5":
                    return "fifty";
                case "6":
                    return "sixty";
                case "7":
                    return "seventy";
                case "8":
                    return "eighty";
                case "9":
                    return "ninety";
        } else if ($digit1 == "1")
            switch ($digit2)
                case "1":
                    return "eleven";
                case "2":
                    return "twelve";
                case "3":
                    return "thirteen";
                case "4":
                    return "fourteen";
                case "5":
                    return "fifteen";
                case "6":
                    return "sixteen";
                case "7":
                    return "seventeen";
                case "8":
                    return "eighteen";
                case "9":
                    return "nineteen";
        } else
            $temp = convertDigit($digit2);
            switch ($digit1)
                case "2":
                    return "twenty-$temp";
                case "3":
                    return "thirty-$temp";
                case "4":
                    return "forty-$temp";
                case "5":
                    return "fifty-$temp";
                case "6":
                    return "sixty-$temp";
                case "7":
                    return "seventy-$temp";
                case "8":
                    return "eighty-$temp";
                case "9":
                    return "ninety-$temp";
    function convertDigit($digit)
        switch ($digit)
            case "0":
                return "zero";
            case "1":
                return "one";
            case "2":
                return "two";
            case "3":
                return "three";
            case "4":
                return "four";
            case "5":
                return "five";
            case "6":
                return "six";
            case "7":
                return "seven";
            case "8":
                return "eight";
            case "9":
                return "nine";
     $num = 500254.89;
     $test = convertNumber($num);
     echo $test;
  • Nitish
    Nitish about 8 years
    Please provide some explanation also. Not just code.
  • Deependra
    Deependra about 8 years
    This code for (Indian currency) Amount convert into the Word.In this program i make two function one for the integer value and another for float value. But here need to call only one function, (Show_Amount_In_Words).
  • Toby Speight
    Toby Speight about 7 years
    Whilst this code snippet is welcome, and may provide some help, it would be greatly improved if it included an explanation of how and why this solves the problem. Remember that you are answering the question for readers in the future, not just the person asking now! Please edit your answer to add explanation, and give an indication of what limitations and assumptions apply.
  • jaykishan
    jaykishan about 7 years
    thanks for suggestion @Toby Speigh. And check out comments in program and short description above after update
  • Rana Aalamgeer
    Rana Aalamgeer over 5 years
    Nice function useful
  • rkg
    rkg over 3 years
    I tried this with 111.70 and it returned an undefined offset error.