How to convert flv to mp3 on ubuntu 14 without ffmpeg


Solution 1

In Ubuntu >=14.04 just use avconv instead of ffmpeg it's a fork and it's seems it accept same command line options.

Install the libav-tools package to get it.

Solution 2

You can use Sound Converter.

Sound Converter is a gnome sound conversion available for Linux. You can convert music files into another format (OOG, MP3 and Flac). The tool is very simple, just add the files, set the destination directory and convert the files.SC

To install, just press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When it opens, run the command(s) below:

sudo apt-get install soundconverter 

Solution 3

Straight forward: avconv -i /path/video.flv /path/audio.mp3

Author by


My name is Jakub T. Jankiewicz, I'm coding mostly in JavaScript. I love Lisp Macros, jQuery library, ReactJS, CSS3, HTML5, SVG, GNU/Linux, GNU Emacs and Inkscape. Working with JavaScript and R for Roche/Genentech via Astek Poland. my english blog - In Code We Trust my polish blog - Głównie JavaScript (ang. Mostly JavaScript) Usefull Links Other links Yet another links Few of my JavaScript Open Source projects: jQuery Terminal: JavaScript library for Web based Terminal Emulator LIPS - Powerful Scheme based lisp interpreter written in JavaScript sysend.js: Library for sending messages between Windows and Tabs Gaiman Programming Language and Text based Game engine GIT Web Terminal Posts: EchoJS News, EchoJS News (2), HackerNews

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • jcubic
    jcubic over 1 year

    And how to do any convertions in Ubuntu 14 if there is no ffmpeg anymore? When I last use it prev version I had warning to use different tool but I don't remember what it was.