How to convert NSHTTPURLResponse to String in Swift


Solution 1


grab the data and make it utf string if you want. The response's description is not the response body

let responseData = String(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)

header field

if you want a HEADER FIELD instead:

let httpResponse = response as NSHTTPURLResponse
let field = httpResponse.allHeaderFields["NAME_OF_FIELD"]

Solution 2

Updated Answer:

As is turns out you want to get a header field's content.

if let httpResponse = response as? NSHTTPURLResponse {
    if let sessionID = httpResponse.allHeaderFields["JSESSIONID"] as? String {
        // use sessionID

When you print an object its description method gets called.

This is why when you println() it you get a textual representation.

There are two ways to accomplish what you want.

  1. The easy way

    let responseText = response.description

However, this is only good for debugging.

  1. The localized way

    let localizedResponse = NSHTTPURLResponse.localizedStringForStatusCode(response.statusCode)

Use the second approach whenever you need to display the error to the user.

Solution 3

For a newer version in swift

   let task = session.dataTask(with: url) {(data, response, error) in

        let httpResponse = response as! HTTPURLResponse

        let type = httpResponse.allHeaderFields["Content-Type"]
        print("Content-Type", type)

        let l = httpResponse.allHeaderFields["Content-Length"]
        print("Content-Length", l)

        if let response = response {   // Complete response

            }catch {


Solution 4

You'll need the code below, because the response data from your data task is stored in data. response is the http response, with status codes etc, for more info about http response go here

var responseString: String = String(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)

Solution 5

If you want to see the answer json as a string, in Swift 5

let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse

if let jsonResponse = String(data: data!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) {
    print("JSON String: \(jsonResponse)")

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Karl Ivar
Author by

Karl Ivar

Updated on May 23, 2020


  • Karl Ivar
    Karl Ivar about 4 years

    I would like to convert my response from the NSHTTPURLResponse type to String:

    let task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request, completionHandler: {(data, response, error) -> Void in 
         println("Response: \(response)")
         var responseText: String = String(data: response, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)

    The line below outputs the response message to the console.

    println("Response: \(response)")

    But this line renders me an error: Extra argument 'encoding' in Call.

    var responseText: String = String(data: response, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)

    How can I successfully convert this "response" into a String?

    • HAS
      HAS over 9 years
      The compiler error is confusing. data needs to be of type NSData but you are passing it an NSHTTPURLResponse. The method that is called (and returns a string) is NSHTTPURLResponse's description method.
    • Martin R
      Martin R over 9 years
      You probably want to convert data to a string, not response.
    • Daij-Djan
      Daij-Djan over 9 years
      yes but that isnt the response but a description ;) not good
    • Karl Ivar
      Karl Ivar over 9 years
      I want to use the JSESSIONID found in the response and parse it, then pass it to a new dataTaskWithRequest.
    • Daij-Djan
      Daij-Djan over 9 years
      it is a header field then?
    • Karl Ivar
      Karl Ivar over 9 years
      Yes it is a header field. headers { "Content-Length" = 4730; "Content-Type" = "text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"; Date = "Sun, 25 Jan 2015 21:25:28 GMT"; Server = "Apache-Coyote/1.1"; "Set-Cookie" = "JSESSIONID=83A31742591DD2714A090FC53D55EEED; Path=/talkmore3/; Secure; HttpOnly"; }
  • Daij-Djan
    Daij-Djan over 9 years
    as I said, the description is not necessarily the responseData
  • Karl Ivar
    Karl Ivar over 9 years
    I'm actually not looking for the data, or responseData. I need to get the response 'description' as a String that I can parse.
  • Daij-Djan
    Daij-Djan over 9 years
    he wants the sessionID .. dont get why he should call description or (even more unrelated) NSHTTPURLResponse.localizedStringForStatusCode
  • Karl Ivar
    Karl Ivar over 9 years
    The response-'description' contains http response headers which contain a JSESSIONID I have to parse. edit: If I could access the JSESSIONID directly, that would of course be the optimal solution.
  • Daij-Djan
    Daij-Djan over 9 years
    the description has almost NO use and especially not for parsing data from it
  • Daij-Djan
    Daij-Djan over 9 years
    [response valueForHTTPHeader:] (or what it is called) -- this is simply BAD advice
  • Daij-Djan
    Daij-Djan over 9 years
    note: parsing a description is almost like screen-scraping
  • Daij-Djan
    Daij-Djan over 9 years
    see let httpResponse = response as NSHTTPURLResponse => you have to cast it
  • HAS
    HAS over 9 years
    @Daij-Djan I changed my answer to reflect the changes. The question did not say anything about a header field, just printing the response.
  • Daij-Djan
    Daij-Djan over 9 years
    yes responseData -- which is also not the response description -- IMO description has NO use except maybe debugging
  • HAS
    HAS over 9 years
    @Daij-Djan That's exactly what I wrote 12 minutes ago.
  • Karl Ivar
    Karl Ivar over 9 years
    I never intended to grab the data from the body. I was only interested in the header field, which also was included in the response description. However I understand it would be cumbersome to parse the description instead of reading the header field. Marked as the most correct answer.
  • Daij-Djan
    Daij-Djan over 9 years
    whatever - I still find it wrong to even write this because it was CLEARLY not the real issue :D (especially no 2) anyway, revoked the vote, ciao
  • uliwitness
    uliwitness about 6 years
    Apple gives no guarantees about the format of object descriptions (beyond NSString and NSNumber). They are only intended for debugging and subject to change. As such, you do not want to make your app rely on the format of an object's description.