How to convert TIMESTAMP values to VARCHAR in T-SQL as SSMS does?


Solution 1

SELECT 'test' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), CONVERT(BINARY(8), RowVersion), 1). The trick is the 1 to the CONVERT as the style, per the documentation. (Pass 2 to omit the 0x.)

Solution 2

As mentioned in the comments, the undocumented function master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr will convert binary to string such that you could then concatenate with some other string value:

SELECT @binary = CAST(1234567890 AS BINARY(8))

SELECT @binary AS BinaryValue, 
       LEFT(master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr(@binary),2) + UPPER(RIGHT(master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr(@binary),LEN(master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr(@binary))-2)) AS VarcharValue,
       'test' + LEFT(master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr(@binary),2) + UPPER(RIGHT(master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr(@binary),LEN(master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr(@binary))-2)) AS ConcatenatedVarcharValue

I went ahead and split the first two characters and did not apply the UPPER function to them, to exactly reproduce the format as displayed when a binary value.


|     BinaryValue    |    VarcharValue    | ConcatenatedVarcharValue |
| 0x00000000499602D2 | 0x00000000499602D2 |  test0x00000000499602D2  |

Solution 3

Have a look at this:

substring(replace(replace(replace(replace(cast(CAST(GETDATE() AS datetime2) as 
varchar(50)),'-',''),' ',''),':',''),'.',''),1,18)
Author by


Software development manager specialising in Microsoft programming technologies for the investment banking industry. Have written numerous client-server applications including GUI applications and real-time multithreaded data processing applications using C#, .NET, WPF and C++.

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Neo
    Neo almost 2 years

    I am trying to convert a TIMESTAMP field in a table to a string so that it can be printed or executed as part of dynamic SQL. SSMS is able to do it, so there must be a built-in method to do it. However, I can't get it to work using T-SQL.

    The following correctly displays a table result:

    SELECT TOP 1 RowVersion FROM MyTable

    It shows 0x00000000288D17AE. However, I need the result to be part of a larger string.

    DECLARE @res VARCHAR(MAX) = (SELECT TOP 1 'test' + CONVERT(BINARY(8), RowVersion) FROM MyTable)

    This yields an error: The data types varchar and binary are incompatible in the add operator

    DECLARE @res VARCHAR(MAX) = (SELECT TOP 1 'test' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), RowVersion) FROM MyTable)

    This results in garbage characters: test (®

    In fact, the spaces are just null characters and terminate the string for the purpose of running dynamic SQL using EXEC().

    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(MAX) = 'SELECT TOP 1 ''test'' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), RowVersion) FROM MyTable'
    EXEC (@sql)

    This just displays a table result with the word "test". Everything after "test" in the dynamic SQL is cut off because the CONVERT function returns terminating null characters first.

    Obviously, what I want the resultant string to be is "test0x00000000288D17AE" or even the decimal equivalent, which in this case would be "test680335278".

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  • Neo
    Neo over 7 years
    Have you tried this? It returns Explicit conversion from data type timestamp to nvarchar(max) is not allowed. If I change it to VARCHAR, there's no error, but it still shows garbage as described in the Question.
  • Jeroen Mostert
    Jeroen Mostert over 7 years
    @Neo: My bad, I incorrectly assumed SQL Server would treat ROWVERSION as a binary type. It does not, so an intermediate conversion step is necessary to make that work.
  • Neo
    Neo over 7 years
    The accepted Answer is the best solution I think. SELECT TOP 1 'test' + master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr(RowVersion) FROM MyTable gets me exactly what I need.
  • Neo
    Neo over 7 years
    Thanks. SELECT TOP 1 'test' + master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr(RowVersion) FROM MyTable gets me exactly what I need.
  • Jeroen Mostert
    Jeroen Mostert over 7 years
    @Neo: relying on undocumented functions is demonstrably worse than relying on the built-in functionality of CONVERT. What you accept is up to you, of course, but I know what I'd prefer in a production environment.
  • 3N1GM4
    3N1GM4 over 7 years
    @Neo have you tried the edited version of Jeroen Mostert's solution? It works for me with the additional step of CONVERTing to BINARY(8) first, before then CONVERTing to NVARCHAR... As such, and for the reasons given above by Jeroen, I have upvoted this answer as I believe it's better than my own.
  • Neo
    Neo over 7 years
    OK, my bad this time. Yes, the edited version works. In fact, I now prefer this answer as the hex letters remain upper case (looks nicer). It's not production code (it's just a script to help me in dev), but I prefer doing things the most proper way, and I think this is it. I'll change the accepted Answer to this one, but still upvote your one, @3N1GM4. Thanks for the honesty!
  • 3N1GM4
    3N1GM4 over 7 years
    @Neo no problem, always happy to admit when someone has a better answer than me!
  • foxyblue
    foxyblue over 6 years
    Add an explanation to the answer as to why it works.