How to copy only symbolic links through rsync


Solution 1

Per this question+answer, you can script this as a pipe. Pipes are an integral part of shell programming and shell scripting.

find /path/to/files -type l -print | \
  rsync -av --files-from=- /path/to/files user@targethost:/path

What's going on here?

The find command starts at /path/to/files and steps recursively through everything "under" that point. The options to find are conditions that limit what gets output by the -print option. In this case, only things of -type l (symbolic link, according to man find) will be printed to find's "standard output".

These files become the "standard input" of the rsync command's --file-from option.

Give it a shot. I haven't actually tested this, but it seems to me that it should work.

Solution 2

You can generate a list of files excluding links with find input_dir -not -type l, rsync has an option --exclude-from=exlude_file.txt

you can do it in two steps :

find input_dir -not -type l > /tmp/rsync-exclude.txt

rsync -uvrl --exclude-from=/tmp/rsync-exclude.txt input_dir output_dir

one line bash :

rsync -urvl --exclude-from=<(find input_dir -not -type l | sed 's/^..//') input_dir output_dir

Solution 3

You can do it more easily like:

find /path/to/dir/ -type l -exec rsync -avP {} ssh_server:/path/to/server/ \;

EDIT: If you want to copy symbolic links of the current directory only without making it recursive. You can do:

find /path/to/dir/ -maxdepth 1 -type l -exec rsync -avP {} ssh_server:/path/to/server/ \;

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Updated on June 16, 2022


  • Newbiee
    Newbiee almost 2 years

    How do I copy symbolic links only (and not the file it points to) or other files using rsync?

    I tried

    rsync -uvrl input_dir output_dir

    but I need to exclusively copy the symbolic links only ?

    any trick using include exclude options?

  • Dan
    Dan over 6 years
    This won't copy the symlinks as symlinks, though.
  • ghoti
    ghoti over 6 years
    @Dan ... Well, -a translates to -rlptgoD, and -l is documented to, "when symlinks are encountered, recreate the symlink on the destination." What results did you encounter?
  • Dan
    Dan over 6 years
    Oh! I missed that -a includes -l!