How to create a message dialog using QML Control elements(such as combobox, textfield, checkbox..)


I still can't understand what are you going to do. Assume, you want some custom dialog with varying content. First of all, I guess MessageDialog is not good idea just because you cannot define custom controls inside it. But you can create a custom one.

Simple example:


import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.0  

Window {
    id: mypopDialog
    title: "MyPopup"
    width: 300
    height: 100
    flags: Qt.Dialog
    modality: Qt.WindowModal
    property int popupType: 1
    property string returnValue: ""

    ColumnLayout {
        anchors.fill: parent
        anchors.margins: 10

        RowLayout {
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            Layout.fillHeight: true
            spacing: 20
            Image {
                source: popupType == 1 ? "combo.png" : "edittext.png"
            Loader {
                id: loader
                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
                Layout.fillWidth: true
                sourceComponent: popupType == 1 ? comboboxComponent : editboxComponent
                property string myvalue : popupType == 1 ? item.currentText : item.text
                Component {
                    id: comboboxComponent

                    ComboBox {
                        id: comboBox

                        model: ListModel {
                            ListElement { text: "Banana" }
                            ListElement { text: "Apple" }
                            ListElement { text: "Coconut" }
                Component {
                    id: editboxComponent
                    TextEdit {
                        id: textEdit

        Rectangle {
            height: 30
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            Button {
                text: "Ok"
                anchors.centerIn: parent
                onClicked: {
                    returnValue = loader.myvalue;

Here I use Loader to load appropriate content according to popupType property (1 - combobox, 2 - textedit)

So now you can use this file in any place where you want.

import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.0

Button {
    text: "Test dialog"
    onClicked: {
        var component = Qt.createComponent("Popup.qml");
        if (component.status === Component.Ready) {
        var dialog = component.createObject(parent,{popupType: 1}); = dialog;

Connections {
    id: dialogConnection
    onVisibleChanged: {

Here I use Connections to get back some result from the dialog. If you don't need it just remove the Connections item

Author by


Updated on June 28, 2022


  • User
    User about 2 years

    I want to create a message dialog in the following way

    For example:My combobox has 2 name, “chkbx”(symbolic name for the checkbox), “txtedt”(symbolic name for the text field).

    Whenever i select chkbox or txtedt from combobox drop down list, then my combo box should connect me to actual checkbox and textedit element respectively.

    I have a “show dialog” button on status bar when i press that button it should popup selected option(checkbox or line edit)

    Please suggest me how can i do it.

    EDIT Here is the code and the problem i am facing with combobox options is, neither i am not able to get icons in my message dialog nor i dont know how i can see checkbox or line edit in message dialog, i am a beginner and struggling to explore the tricky ways used in QML..

    import QtQuick 2.2
    import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
    import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.1
    import QtQuick.Window 2.0
    Item {
        id: root
        width: 580
        height: 400
        SystemPalette { id: palette }
        clip: true
        //! [messagedialog]
        MessageDialog {
            id: messageDialog
            visible: messageDialogVisible.checked
            modality: messageDialogModal.checked ? Qt.WindowModal : Qt.NonModal
            title: windowTitleField.text
            text: customizeText.checked ? textField.text : ""
            informativeText: customizeInformativeText.checked ? informativeTextField.text : ""
            onButtonClicked: console.log("clicked button " + clickedButton)
            onAccepted: lastChosen.text = "Accepted " +
                (clickedButton == StandardButton.Ok ? "(OK)" : (clickedButton == StandardButton.Retry ? "(Retry)" : "(Ignore)"))
            onRejected: lastChosen.text = "Rejected " +
                (clickedButton == StandardButton.Close ? "(Close)" : (clickedButton == StandardButton.Abort ? "(Abort)" : "(Cancel)"))
            onHelp: lastChosen.text = "Yelped for help!"
            onYes: lastChosen.text = (clickedButton == StandardButton.Yes ? "Yeessss!!" : "Yes, now and always")
            onNo: lastChosen.text = (clickedButton == StandardButton.No ? "Oh No." : "No, no")
        //! [messagedialog]
        Column {
            anchors.fill: parent
            anchors.margins: 12
            spacing: 8
            Text {
                color: palette.windowText
                font.bold: true
                text: "Message dialog properties:"
            CheckBox {
                id: messageDialogModal
                text: "Modal"
                checked: true
                Binding on checked { value: messageDialog.modality != Qt.NonModal }
            CheckBox {
                id: customizeTitle
                text: "Window Title"
                checked: true
                width: parent.width
                TextField {
                    id: windowTitleField
                    anchors.right: parent.right
                   width: informativeTextField.width
                    text: "Alert"
            Row {
                Text {
                    text: "Combo box items and icon selection:"
                spacing: 8
                function createIcon(str) {
                    switch(str) {
                         case Critical:
                        messageDialog.icon = StandardIcon.Critical
                          case Question:
                         messageDialog.icon = StandardIcon.Question
                            case  checkbox:
                                //how to add checkbox here in order to show it in my message dialog ?
                          case  textedit:
                              //how to add textedit here in order to show it in message dialog ?
               ComboBox {
                    id : cbox
                    editable: true
                    currentIndex: 0
                    model: ListModel {
                        id: cbItems
                        ListElement { text: "Critical"}
                        ListElement { text: "Question"}
                        ListElement { text: "checkbox"}
                        ListElement { text: "textedit"}
                   onCurrentIndexChanged: console.debug(cbItems.get(currentIndex).text)
                   onAccepted: parent.createIcon(cbItems.get(currentIndex).text)
             CheckBox {
                id: customizeText
                text: "Primary Text"
                checked: true
                width: parent.width
                TextField {
                    id: textField
                    anchors.right: parent.right
                    width: informativeTextField.width
                    text: "Attention Please"
            CheckBox {
                id: customizeInformativeText
                text: "Informative Text"
                checked: true
                width: parent.width
                TextField {
                    id: informativeTextField
                    anchors.right: parent.right
                    width: root.width - customizeInformativeText.implicitWidth - 20
                    text: "Be alert!"
            Text {
                text: "Buttons:"
            Flow {
                spacing: 8
                width: parent.width
                property bool updating: false
                function updateButtons(button, checked) {
                    if (updating) return
                    updating = true
                    var buttons = 0
                    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; ++i)
                        if (children[i].checked)
                            buttons |= children[i].button
                    if (!buttons)
                        buttons = StandardButton.Ok
                    messageDialog.standardButtons = buttons
                    updating = false
                CheckBox {
                    text: "Help"
                    property int button: StandardButton.Help
                    onCheckedChanged: parent.updateButtons(button, checked)
                CheckBox {
                    text: "Close"
                    property int button: StandardButton.Close
                    onCheckedChanged: parent.updateButtons(button, checked)
                CheckBox {
                    text: "Cancel"
                    property int button: StandardButton.Cancel
                    onCheckedChanged: parent.updateButtons(button, checked)
        Rectangle {
            anchors {
                left: parent.left
                right: parent.right
                bottom: parent.bottom
            height: buttonRow.height * 1.2
            color: Qt.darker(palette.window, 1.1)
            border.color: Qt.darker(palette.window, 1.3)
            Row {
                id: buttonRow
                spacing: 6
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                anchors.left: parent.left
                anchors.leftMargin: 12
                width: parent.width
                Button {
                    text: "Show Dialog"
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                Button {
                    text: "Close"
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                    onClicked: messageDialog.close()
  • User
    User almost 10 years
    Thanks a lot, this was really helpful, gave me an idea how i can proceed. Y i am getting error:Unexpected token `if' in the if (component.status === Component.Ready) line, is it working fine on your system ?
  • folibis
    folibis almost 10 years
    you just need to put it inside some event handler or function. for example: Button { onClicked: {here all the code ... var component = ...}}. See I updated my answer.
  • User
    User almost 10 years
    Sorry but i could imagine that you have good expertise in QML. Can you please look at this question […