How to create an interface in Swift


Solution 1

Instead of interface swift have Protocols.

A protocol defines a blueprint of methods, properties, and other requirements that suit a particular task or piece of functionality. The protocol can then be adopted by a class, structure, or enumeration to provide an actual implementation of those requirements. Any type that satisfies the requirements of a protocol is said to conform to that protocol.

lets take an exam .

protocol Animal {
    func canSwim() -> Bool

and we have a class that confirm this protocol name Animal

class Human : Animal {
   func canSwim() -> Bool {
     return true

for more go to -

Solution 2

What are you finding is `Protocol'. Interfaces are same as protocol in Swift.

protocol Shape {
    func shapeName() -> String

class Circle: Shape {
    func shapeName() -> String {
        return "circle"


class Triangle: Shape {
    func shapeName() -> String {
        return "triangle"

class and struct both can implements the protocol.

Jayprakash Singh
Author by

Jayprakash Singh

Updated on September 01, 2020


  • Jayprakash Singh
    Jayprakash Singh over 3 years

    i want to create functionality like interface in swift, my goal is when i call another class suppose i'm calling API and the response of that class i want to reflect in to my current screen, in android interface is used to achieve but what should i use in swift for that? can anyone help me with example. the code for android is given below...

    public class ExecuteServerReq {
        public GetResponse getResponse = null;
        public void somemethod() {
        public interface GetResponse {
            void onResponse(String objects);
    ExecuteServerReq executeServerReq = new ExecuteServerReq();
    executeServerReq.getResponse = new ExecuteServerReq.GetResponse() {
        public void onResponse(String objects) {