how to deploy angular2 app built using angular-cli


Solution 1

method 1(popular one) : If you are using angular-cli, then

ng build --prod

will do the trick. Then you can copy everything from .dist folder to your server folder

method 2 :

you can use http-server to serve your app . To install http-server

npm install http-server -g

and after going to your project folder

http-server ./dist 

it will serve all the files in your folder. you can check the terminal what ip-address and port you can use to access the application. Now open up your browser and type


Hope it will help you :)

Bonus : If you want to deploy in heroku. Please go through this detailed tutorial

Solution 2

For anyone looking for an answer for IIS hosting...

Build your project

ng build --prod

Copy all contents of the ./dist folder into the root folder of your website maintaining the folder structure within ./dist (ie - don't move anything around). Using the Beta-18 version of the angular-cli all assets (images in my case) were copied to ./dist/assets during the build and were referenced correctly in their containing components.

Solution 3

Check your index.html file and edit this line

<base href="/[your-project-folder-name]/dist/"> 

Your content should load properly. You can then load styles globally

You should set base href as recommended by Johan

ng build --prod --bh /[your-project-folder-name]/dist/

Solution 4

Here's an example with Heroku:

  1. Create a Heroku account and install the CLI

  2. Move the angular-cli dep to the dependencies in package.json (so that it gets installed when you push to Heroku.

  3. Add a postinstall script that will run ng build when the code gets pushed to Heroku. Also add a start command for a Node server that will be created in the following step. This will place the static files for the app in a dist directory on the server and start the app afterward.

"scripts": {
  // ...
  "start": "node server.js",
  "postinstall": "ng build --aot -prod"
  1. Create an Express server to serve the app.
// server.js
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
// Run the app by serving the static files
// in the dist directory
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/dist'));
// Start the app by listening on the default
// Heroku port
app.listen(process.env.PORT || 8080);
  1. Create a Heroku remote and push to depoy the app.
heroku create
git add .
git commit -m "first deploy"
git push heroku master

Here's a quick writeup I did that has more detail, including how to force requests to use HTTPS and how to handle PathLocationStrategy :)

Solution 5

Use ng build with the --bh flag

Sets base tag href to /myUrl/ in your index.html:

ng build --base-href /myUrl/
ng build --bh /myUrl/
Author by


UI Developer

Updated on May 31, 2020


  • raju
    raju almost 4 years

    I have created n new angular app using angular-cli.

    I completed the app and preview it using ng-serve, it is working perfectly.

    After that I used ng build --prod, that generates the 'dist' folder. When I put that folder in xampp to run, it is not working. I found that there is no *.js files, which should be in there after *.ts -> *.js conversion (i suppose).

    I have attached the screenshot, in which on left side it is showing the src folder having all .ts files, On middle it is showing the 'dist' folder and browser screenshot.

    Please guide me how can I generate fully working app from angular-cli, which I can run in my xampp server.



  • Salvatore Pannozzo Capodiferro
    Salvatore Pannozzo Capodiferro over 7 years
    works, but first with angular cli you must build your project using ng build
  • EdL
    EdL over 7 years
    So you deploy the .gz and .map files as well?
  • Mike Devenney
    Mike Devenney over 7 years
    On IIS you don't have to deploy the .gz files, just configure IIS to use dynamic compression, you can save a lot of bytes going over the wire. The .map files are source maps. Think of them as the .pdb's of the javascript world, so yes, if you want to debug on the server you're deploying to. Uglifying the JS makes debugging really hard (read:impossible) without them.
  • Johan Blomgren
    Johan Blomgren over 7 years
    Don't edit index.html, use ng build/serve with the --bh parameter
  • Tiwa Babalola
    Tiwa Babalola over 7 years
    Oh Yes thanks, I believe the base href is the solution to his question. ng build --prod --bh /[your-project-folder-name]/dist/
  • sree
    sree about 7 years
    I followed the method deploy in Apache server. It worked but the page showed as broken when refreshing(Cntrl+R) sub pages. for example In my case the page will not work accessing directly Anyone have an idea how to fix this?
  • Marvel Moe
    Marvel Moe almost 7 years
    +1 but wanted to clarify that you dont need to include dist in terminal ng build --bh /mycoolapp/ <----- worked for me
  • SrAxi
    SrAxi almost 7 years
    I recommend this! Great way to see your App in a live environment in no time. For more details:…
  • Damith
    Damith almost 7 years
    You can type http-server ./dist -o to open the application directly in browser.
  • Zack Lucky
    Zack Lucky almost 7 years
    What if you were using Angular Universal with a node server in Typescript?
  • Saravanan Nandhan
    Saravanan Nandhan over 6 years
    Thanks,it's works me but when i refresh the page it's getting not found error
  • user2347528
    user2347528 over 6 years
    I have a few proxy settings in proxy.conf.js file. After running "ng build --aot --prod" I deployed the dist files as-is. The website is up and running but the pages that use the proxy settings are still using localhost. How do I setup the proxy settings in production?
  • Craig
    Craig over 6 years
    I'm in the same boat as Saravanan. I'm able to run http-server from within the ./dist folder, but only the root path works. localhost:3000 (in my case) loads the app. But if the user has any route bookmarked, like localhost:3000/project/listing, it throws a 404. There is no apparent redirect capability.
  • Arokia Lijas
    Arokia Lijas over 3 years
    How do I run two webapps in the same the server?
  • Arokia Lijas
    Arokia Lijas over 3 years
    I build my application using this ng build --base-href "/testapp/" --prod How do I proceed from here?
  • viks
    viks over 3 years
    you can run 2 different web apps on the same server by running that web apps on different ports. Eg. One will run on and another one on
  • Arokia Lijas
    Arokia Lijas over 3 years
    How should the server configuration be? My domain would like https:\\\webpage1\<routes> and https:\\\webpage2\<routes>