How to deploy to a single specific server using Capistrano


Solution 1

I ended up posting a question on the capistrano users list here, and got the following response from Jamis (edited a bit by me here for clarity):

Try the HOSTS environment variable:

cap production deploy

Note that doing this will treat app2 as being in every role, not just whichever role(s) it happens to be declared in.

If what you want is to do a regular deploy, but only act on app2, and only as app2 is declared in your recipe file, you can use the HOSTFILTER variable instead:

cap production deploy 


Consider this concrete example. Suppose your script defines three servers, A, B, and C. And it defines a task, "foo", that (by default) wants to run on A and B, but not C. Like this:

role :app, "A", "B"
role :web, "C"

task :foo, :roles => :app do
  run "echo hello"

Now, if you do cap foo, it will run the echo command on both A and B.

If you do cap HOSTS=C foo, it will run the echo command on C, regardless of the :roles parameter to the task.

If you do cap HOSTFILTER=C foo, it will not run the echo command at all, because the intersection of (A B) and (C) is an empty set. (There are no hosts in foo's host list that match C.)

If you do cap HOSTFILTER=A foo, it will run the echo command on only A, because (A B) intersected with (A) is (A).

Lastly, if you do cap HOSTFILTER=A,B,C foo, it will run the echo command on A and B (but not C), because (A B) intersected with (A B C) is (A B).

To summarize: HOSTS completely overrides the hosts or roles declaration of the task, and forces everything to run against the specified host(s). The HOSTFILTER, on the other hand, simply filters the existing hosts against the given list, choosing only those servers that are already in the tasks server list.

Solution 2

The following should work out of the box:

cap ROLE=app deploy

If you want to deploy to >1 server with the same role:

cap,, ROLE=app deploy

Solution 3

I have similar problem and tried the following. It works:

cap production ROLES=web HOSTS=machine1 stats

Solution 4

You should be able to do something like this in deploy.rb:

task :production do
  if ENV['SERVER'] && ENV['ROLE']
    role ENV['ROLE'], ENV['SERVER']
    # your full config
Pete Hodgson
Author by

Pete Hodgson

Right now my toys/tools are Objective C, Ruby and Cucumber. In the past I've had fun playing with Flex, Rails, JS, REST APIs, message queues. I've also worked in .NET, but not in any serious capacity for a while. Things I'm interested in learning more about include Erlang, CouchDB, Node.js, Clojure. My passions include TDD and 'agile with a small a'.

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Pete Hodgson
    Pete Hodgson almost 2 years

    I have a system in production that has several servers in several roles. I would like to test a new app server by deploying to that specific server, without having to redeploy to every server in production. Is there a way to ask Capistrano to deploy to a specific server? Ideally I'd like to be able to run something like

    cap ROLE=app production deploy

    if I just wanted to deploy to


    [update] I tried the solution suggested by wulong by executing:

    cap HOSTS=app2.server.hostname ROLE=app qa deploy 

    but capistrano seemed be trying to execute tasks for other roles on that server in addition to app tasks. Maybe I need to update my version of cap (I'm running v2.2.0)?