How to Disable md-button


Solution 1

simply use ng-disabled="true".

declare a function in your controller something like

checkInputFields which return either true or false depending on the form modal.

then use

<md-button ng-disabled="checInputFields()">

Solution 2

  <form ng-submit="search()" name="searchSideNav">
    <div layout="column" layout-align="center">
      <md-input-container flex>
        <input ng-model="searchItems.sDocumentName" ng-required="" name="sDocumentName">
        <div ng-show="searchSideNav.sDocumentName.$invalid && !searchSideNav.sDocumentName.$pristine">
          <p ng-show="searchSideNav.sDocumentName.$error.required" class="help-block">Document is required</p>
       <md-button ng-disabled="searchSideNav.$invalid">

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Albert Pinto
Author by

Albert Pinto

Trying to be curious

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Albert Pinto
    Albert Pinto about 2 years

    I have a form(HTML) and a directive to do stuff when submit button is clicked.The form has 10 input fields. The requirement is to keep the submit button which is a disabled till the time user enters value in at least one field.

    Can anyone please help me. Iam new to angular and could not find much help.

  • Albert Pinto
    Albert Pinto almost 9 years
    i dont have a controller but the form is sitting in a directive. i tried your suggestion by putting a method in the directive but the directive has to know when a value is entered.
  • Albert Pinto
    Albert Pinto almost 9 years
    tried that but is not working for some reason my form is not invalid
  • Mohan Singh
    Mohan Singh almost 9 years
    Please make sure all fields of form should have name attribute. Can you please post your form html here
  • atinder
    atinder almost 9 years
    use bindToController in your directive and declare your method on the the controller of directive.
  • Albert Pinto
    Albert Pinto almost 9 years
    <form ng-submit="search()" name="SearchSideNav"> <div layout="column" layout-align="center"> <md-input-container flex> <label>{{::labels.documentName}}</label> <input ng-model="searchItems.sDocumentName" ng-required="requireAtleastOneInput()"> </md-input-container> <location-select label="{{::labels.location}}" location="selectedLocation"></location-select> <br/>
  • Albert Pinto
    Albert Pinto almost 9 years
    its just a portion of the html
  • Mohan Singh
    Mohan Singh almost 9 years
    @AlbertPinto I have updated my answer. Please focus on validation and form field's attribute. Validation does work only when you have added name attribute. Now it should work. Please check. Else i can create the plunker for you