How to disable warning for redefining a constant when loading a file


Solution 1

To suppress warnings, use the following code at the top of the script:

$VERBOSE = nil

Solution 2

The solution to your problem depends on what is causing it.

1 - You are changing the value of a constant that was set before somewhere in your code, or are trying to define a constant with the same name as an existant class or module. Solution: don't use constants if you know in advance that the value of the constant will change; don't define constants with the same name as class/modules.

2 - You are in a situation where you want to redefine a constant for good reasons, without getting warnings. There are two options.

First, you could undefine the constant before redefining it (this requires a helper method, because remove_const is a private function):

Object.module_eval do
  # Unset a constant without private access.
  def self.const_unset(const)
    self.instance_eval { remove_const(const) }

Or, you could just tell the Ruby interpreter to shut up (this suppresses all warnings):

# Runs a block of code without warnings.
def silence_warnings(&block)
  warn_level = $VERBOSE
  $VERBOSE = nil
  result =
  $VERBOSE = warn_level

3 - You are requiring an external library that defines a class/module whose name clashes with a new constant or class/module you are creating. Solution: wrap your code inside a top-level module-namespace to prevent the name clash.

class SomeClass; end
module SomeModule
   SomeClass = '...' 

4 - Same as above, but you absolutely need to define a class with the same name as the gem/library's class. Solution: you can assign the library's class name to a variable, and then clear it for your later use:

require 'clashing_library'
some_class_alias = SomeClass
SomeClass = nil
# You can now define your own class:
class SomeClass; end
# Or your own constant:
SomeClass = 'foo'

Solution 3

Try this :

Kernel::silence_warnings { MY_CONSTANT = 'my value '}

Solution 4

The accepted answer to this question was helpful. I looked at the Rails source to get the following. Before and after loading the file, I can insert these lines:

# Supress warning messages.
original_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil
# Activate warning messages again.
$VERBOSE = original_verbose
Author by


I have published the following two Ruby gems: dom: You can describe HTML/XML DOM structures in Ruby language seamlessly with other parts of Ruby code. Node embedding is described as method chaining, which avoids unnecessary nesting, and confirms to the Rubyistic coding style. manager: Manager generates a user's manual and a developer's chart simultaneously from a single spec file that contains both kinds of information. More precisely, it is a document generator, source code annotation extracter, source code analyzer, class diagram generator, unit test framework, benchmark measurer for alternative implementations of a feature, all in one. Comments and contributions are welcome. I am preparing a web service that is coming out soon.

Updated on June 02, 2022


  • sawa
    sawa about 2 years

    Is there a way to disable warning: already initialized constant when loading particular files?

  • bfontaine
    bfontaine over 10 years
    This method doesn’t exist with Ruby 2.0.0.
  • stackdump
    stackdump about 10 years
    It's a part of rails:…
  • Dorian
    Dorian over 9 years
    that worked. I should probably write a wrapper for it.
  • Benj
    Benj over 9 years
    Excellent solution, It's part of rails, but you can just import the 2 methods silence_warnings and with_warnings in a file of your choice and patch Kernel with it.
  • Kyle Heironimus
    Kyle Heironimus over 6 years
    If you are using Rails, this is probably what you want.
  • Lev Lukomsky
    Lev Lukomsky almost 6 years
    And you can use it without Kernel:: prefix, it'll be even shorter then!
  • Stuart Harland
    Stuart Harland almost 5 years
    This one is the most useful for other people in the broader context, because Constant redefinition is only one thing that can trigger non-fatal compilation warnings. It's all very well suggesting you fix your code, but that presumes the thing triggering this is in your code and not something in an upstream library.
  • Tilo
    Tilo over 2 years
    yes, that works, but silencing all warnings is maybe not the best in production