How to draw a point in an image using given coordinate


Solution 1

What you are doing actually changes your image.

To draw points on the image as it is being shown, you can show the image in a matplotlib figure and then plot points on it. You can use pyplot.plot() function to plot points, or pyplot.scatter() function to plot an array of points.

image = mpimg.imread("road.jpg")
pts = np.array([[330,620],[950,620],[692,450],[587,450]])

plt.plot(640, 570, "og", markersize=10)  # og:shorthand for green circle
plt.scatter(pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1], marker="x", color="red", s=200)

enter image description here

Solution 2

You're on the right track. You can change a pixel's property using Numpy splicing

img[x,y] = [B,G,R]

So for example, to change a pixel at (50,50) to red, you can do

img[50,50] = [0,0,255]

Here we change a single pixel to red (it's pretty tiny)

enter image description here

import cv2
import numpy as np

width = 100
height = 100

# Make empty black image of size (100,100)
img = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

red = [0,0,255]

# Change pixel (50,50) to red
img[50,50] = red

cv2.imshow('img', img)

An alternative method is to use to draw your point inplace.

The function header is, (x, y), radius, (B,G,R), thickness)

Using this, we obtain the same result, (50,50), 1, red, -1)

enter image description here

Solution 3

mpimg indicates that you are using matplotlib to read the image.

Here are few points to remember to work with images using matplotlib:

  • matplotlib stores image data into Numpy arrays. So, type(img) will return <class 'numpy.ndarray'>. (Ref 1)
  • The shape of the ndarray represents the height, width and number of bands of the image.
  • Each inner list represents a pixel. For RGB image inner list length is 3. For RGBA Image inner list length is 4. Each value of the list stores floating point data between 0.0 to 1.0. Each value represents value of R(Red), G(Green), B(Blue) and A(Alpha / transparency) of the pixel.
  • For RGB image, to set a pixel to red color the pixel should be assigned: [1, 0, 0]
  • For RGBA image, to set a pixel to red color the pixel should be assigned: [1, 0, 0, 1]
  • In matplotlib, the Figure's size is fixed, and the contents are stretched/squeezed/interpolated to fit the figure. So, after saving the image the resolution may change. (Ref 2)

According to these points, I have edited a RGBA image (png format) by putting a red dot in center of it.

Original image:


Edited image:


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg

# dpi for the saved figure:
dpi = 80

# Set red pixel value for RGB image
red = [1, 0, 0]
img = mpimg.imread("minion.png")
height, width, bands = img.shape

# Update red pixel value for RGBA image
if bands == 4:
    red = [1, 0, 0, 1]

# Update figure size based on image size
figsize = width / float(dpi), height / float(dpi)

# Create a figure of the right size with one axes that takes up the full figure
figure = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
axes = figure.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])

# Hide spines, ticks, etc.

# Draw a red dot at pixel (62,62) to (66, 66)
for i in range(62, 67):
    for j in range(62, 67):
        img[i][j] = red

# Draw the image
axes.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest')

figure.savefig("test.png", dpi=dpi, transparent=True)


  1. Matplotlib official tutorial
  2. Stackoverflow answer on saving image in same resolution as original image
Author by


Updated on June 09, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    I loaded the image and tried to draw a red point in an image

    red = [0,0,255]
    # Change one pixel
    img[ 0.,-26.10911452,0. ]=red
    imgplot = plt.imshow(img)

    but the following error occurred

    ValueError: assignment destination is read-only

  • Admin
    Admin about 5 years
    can you show me the example from read the image first? like i did img = imread("file").
  • Admin
    Admin about 5 years
    ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-81-3ed59e9be735> in <module> 2 for i in range(62, 67): 3 for j in range(62, 67): ----> 4 img[i][j] = red ValueError: assignment destination is read-only
  • nathancy
    nathancy about 5 years
    Sorry I forgot to mention that this method uses the OpenCV library. You can install it with pip install opencv-python. If you decide to use matplotlib, refer to @arsho for his great answer