How to evenly change track height for slider in Flutter?


Solution 1

This is a liitle bit late, but, as I just solved that to myself, I thought it could be useful to others:

You should include, in the SliderTheme data the following:

trackShape: RectangularSliderTrackShape(),

And that is it, you will get both active and inactive track with the same height!

Solution 2

If you must use the RoundedRectSliderTrackShape() specifically as you need the rounded edge, then simply create a CustomTrackShape() and override the value of additionalActiveTrackHeight to 0.

class CustomTrackShape extends RoundedRectSliderTrackShape {
  void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset,
      {required RenderBox parentBox,
      required SliderThemeData sliderTheme,
      required Animation<double> enableAnimation,
      required TextDirection textDirection,
      required Offset thumbCenter,
      bool isDiscrete = false,
      bool isEnabled = false,
      double additionalActiveTrackHeight = 2}) {

    super.paint(context, offset,
        parentBox: parentBox,
        sliderTheme: sliderTheme,
        enableAnimation: enableAnimation,
        textDirection: textDirection,
        thumbCenter: thumbCenter,
        isDiscrete: isDiscrete,
        isEnabled: isEnabled,
        additionalActiveTrackHeight: 0);


Solution 3

Just update trackHeight to 1. This would make it better.

            padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 12),
            child: SliderTheme(
              data: SliderTheme.of(context).copyWith(
                inactiveTrackColor: Color(0xff8d8e98),
                activeTrackColor: Colors.white,
                thumbColor: Color(0xffeb1555),
                overlayColor: Color(0x29eb1555),
                thumbShape: RoundSliderThumbShape(enabledThumbRadius: 15),
                overlayShape: RoundSliderOverlayShape(overlayRadius: 30),
                trackHeight: 1,                                             
              child: Slider(
                value: 183,
                min: 10,
                max: 270,
                onChanged: (double value) {},
Ουιλιαμ Αρκευα
Author by

Ουιλιαμ Αρκευα

Updated on December 23, 2022


  • Ουιλιαμ Αρκευα
    Ουιλιαμ Αρκευα over 1 year

    My code:

                padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 12),
                child: SliderTheme(
                  data: SliderTheme.of(context).copyWith(
                    inactiveTrackColor: Color(0xff8d8e98),
                    activeTrackColor: Colors.white,
                    thumbColor: Color(0xffeb1555),
                    overlayColor: Color(0x29eb1555),
                    thumbShape: RoundSliderThumbShape(enabledThumbRadius: 15),
                    overlayShape: RoundSliderOverlayShape(overlayRadius: 30),
                    trackHeight: 2,                                             
                  child: Slider(
                    value: 183,
                    min: 10,
                    max: 270,
                    onChanged: (double value) {},

    I got this:


    I expected this:


    How can I get it?

  • Zihan
    Zihan over 2 years
    This does not match the height of both tracks. Can u please explain?
  • nagendra nag
    nagendra nag about 2 years
    do you have any idea how can we update flutter default code?
  • Jerbs
    Jerbs about 2 years
    check the answer above by @TheMisplacedMechEngineer, he gave a better answer than me
  • nagendra nag
    nagendra nag about 2 years
    yeah!. I have tried that one but getting errors.
  • nagendra nag
    nagendra nag about 2 years
    when I use this code I am getting errors. Error: The argument type 'TextDirection/*1*/' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'TextDirection/*2*/'. - 'TextDirection/*1*/' is from 'package:intl/src/intl/text_direction.dart' ('../../.pub-cache/hosted/‌​rc/intl/text_directi‌​on.dart'). - 'TextDirection/*2*/' is from 'dart:ui'. textDirection: textDirection,
  • Jerbs
    Jerbs about 2 years
    try that import 'package:intl/intl.dart' hide TextDirection;
  • nagendra nag
    nagendra nag about 2 years
    getting same issue
  • nagendra nag
    nagendra nag about 2 years
    working fine now. previously I have written in the same file. when I change the code to a new file this issue was resolved.
  • nagendra nag
    nagendra nag about 2 years
    issue resolved.