How to fetch the JSON data in flutter application?


Solution 1

For fetch JSON from a server:

  1. Add the Http package.
  2. Make a network request using the Http package.
  3. Convert the response into a list
  4. Move this work to a separate isolate.

For more info check out this link

Solution 2

You have to Follow the following steps and customize the given code to your own:

1 Place this plugin in pubspec.yaml file http: ^0.12.0+4

2 import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; ///http i am using below you can change it

3 build a function to fetch data:

  Future<Map> getNews() async {
  String apiurl = "https://your url/";
  http.Response response = await http.get(apiurl);
  return json.decode(response.body);

4 delare a Map variable

Map data;

5 call the funtion inside of async method like:

// Future<void> main() async {} you can call inside  initstate or any custom function 
 data = await getNews();

now your json data is inside of data, you can use it any way as you want. 6 used inside your listview.builder like following

new Center(
        child: new ListView.builder(
            itemCount: data.length,
            padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
            itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int position) {
              return new ListTile(
//here posts and title are json variables that are in json file
                title: new Text("${data["posts"][position]["title"]}"),
                subtitle: new Text(
                  maxLines: 18,
Author by


Updated on December 23, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin over 1 year

    I have below JSON data fetched from server, which I need to fetch and configure in pageviewbuilder as well as listview builder in flutter application.

    Listview builder(vertical scroll) is nested in Pageview builder(horizontal scroll), this I already configured

    Things To be Display are like this

    Page ---------- Order Items

    Order 16 >> Order 16, item 1 , Order 16 item 2

    Order 18 >> Order 18, item 1 , Order 18 item 2 , order 18 item 3

    I am new to the learning of JSON in flutter, please guide me how should I fetch the data and use to for the configuration of the above as required.

        "error": "false",
        "content": [
                "comp_code": "4",
                "comp_name": "KMT OVERSEAS",
                "order_no": "16",
                "soh_pk": "23660",
                "order_items": [
                        "comp_code": "4",
                        "comp_name": "KMT OVERSEAS",
                        "order_no": "16",
                        "sod_pk": "31689",
                        "comp_code": "4",
                        "comp_name": "KMT OVERSEAS",
                        "order_no": "16",
                        "sod_pk": "31688",
                "comp_code": "4",
                "comp_name": "KMT OVERSEAS",
                "order_no": "18",
                "soh_pk": "23702",
                "order_items": [
                        "comp_code": "4",
                        "comp_name": "KMT OVERSEAS",
                        "order_no": "18",
                        "sod_pk": "31749",
                        "comp_code": "4",
                        "comp_name": "KMT OVERSEAS",
                        "order_no": "18",
                        "sod_pk": "31742",
                        "comp_code": "4",
                        "comp_name": "KMT OVERSEAS",
                        "order_no": "18",
                        "sod_pk": "31743",
  • Admin
    Admin over 3 years
    Hey Qasim, where exactly I need to call data = await getNews(); because I called in it a async method and that method is called in initState() and i am getting data as null, please provide a guidance
  • Qasim Ali
    Qasim Ali over 3 years
    you can call it in main function, it will works fine, and also declare Map data as a project level global variable. and you can use 'data' every where as you want in your project. @VickySingh
  • Qasim Ali
    Qasim Ali over 3 years
    you can check 'data' as by printing on Console. to ensure that it is null or not @VickySingh
  • Admin
    Admin over 3 years
    I called it in the main function, and it comes out to be null
  • Qasim Ali
    Qasim Ali over 3 years
    call it in main(), then use debugprint('$data'); in next line and check , what is output?
  • Admin
    Admin over 3 years
    you mean to call it in void initState()?
  • Qasim Ali
    Qasim Ali over 3 years
    paste your main.dart file code here i will guide you