How to find out which DNS server my wlan0 is using Kubuntu 15.04


Solution 1

With nmcli you can check which dns servers dnsmasq is configured with:

nmcli dev show wlan0 | grep -i dns

An example would be:

$ nmcli dev show wlan0 | grep -i dns

Solution 2

Update: As revealed in the comments bellow the question, OP wants to know the DNS server that the router uses. If you use automatic connection, all of the answers given here will tell you address of your router, which means requests go to your router first.The router in turn has its own settings, which forward whatever DNS request you send to router's DNS.

Finding out what DNS server is used on a router is only possible if you access your router's settings, typically for residential routers through

TL;DR: Version 1 - check syslog. Version 2 - send packets with nslookup or dig and see where they go to; more advanced and technical answer, but definitely more fun and in my opinion is a bit more reliable.

The other answers posted above are great and work 99% of the time. In this answer I would like to provide somewhat alternative, more technical solution with nslookup. Another simpler solution is to check /var/log/syslog.

The syslog method

The simple method is to search with grep tool for using nameserver string in /var/log/syslog/ :

$ sudo grep 'using nameserver' /var/log/syslog                                                                                                     
Aug  6 02:25:34 ******** dnsmasq[1487]: using nameserver

The tcpdump and nslookup method

Here's not so simple method but perhaps more reliable. Since observing where dns requests go will tell us what is the real dns server we can do exactly that. There is such tool as tcpdump. It is used to analyse the packets send by the internet adapters. Frequently , this tool is used in pen testing. For our modest purpose of determining dns, we only need to do two things - run at the same time tcpdump and use another tool nslookup (which actually helps to look up domain names using system's dns server) . Specifically we want to look for packets with that go to .domain destinations. For instance, I run sudo tcpdump -c 50 -i wlan0 > tcpdump-result.txt to capture 50 packets from my wireless adapter, and immediately go to another terminal tab and run nslookup For convenience I also output tcpdump result to a file tcpdump-result.txt

Now, using a little bit of knowledge of such tools as grep and awk, I filter out the desired information about .domain:

$ awk '/.domain/ {gsub("my-host-name","****");print}' tcpdump-result.txt                                                                 
01:49:48.811363 IP ****.local.29258 > 11608+ PTR? (43)
01:49:49.095361 IP ****.local.44184 > google-public-dns.domain: 9560+ A? (28)
01:49:49.139361 IP google-public-dns.domain > ****.local.44184: 9560 1/0/0 A (44)

As you can see , my request goes to, which is my home router. Therefore , it means you are using DNS server that your Internet Service Provider has assigned to you.

Now, what if we change dns and do it all over again ?

$ awk '/.domain/ {gsub("my-hostname","****");print}' tcpdump-result2.txt                                                                
02:05:35.885670 IP ****.local.51056 > 2511+ A? (28)
02:05:36.189665 IP ****.local.5503 > 63991+ PTR? (45)
02:05:36.237664 IP > ****.local.5503: 63991 1/0/0 PTR (80)
02:05:36.241664 IP ****.local.27776 > 58334+ PTR? (43)

Now my requests go to opendns ! But which IP specifically ?


PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=57 time=59.9 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=57 time=55.9 ms
--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1003ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 55.999/57.999/59.999/2.000 ms

As you can see it goes to


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Brian J Hoskins
Author by

Brian J Hoskins

I'm an electronics engineer and computer programmer. In my spare time I like to design/build my own electronics projects, write computer programs to solve problems, I like to read, I geocache and I have a passion for Land Rover vehicles.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Brian J Hoskins
    Brian J Hoskins almost 2 years


    I am trying to find out what DNS server is being used when I connect to the internet with my wlan0 device. I am running Kubuntu 15.04.

    I have searched around and tried a few solutions, none of which work for me. Here is what I have tried:

    1. Using the nmcli command

    nmcli dev list | grep DNS

    as per an answer to the similar question asked here.

    This was marked as the answer for the OP, but for me I just get the following output:

    Error: 'dev' command 'list' is not valid.

    2. Reading resolv.conf:

    cat /etc/resolv.conf

    This does not give me the DNS information for my connection.

    1. Using nm-tool

    nm-tool does not appear to be installed on my system. So that's not the correct answer for me.

    1. Using dnsmasq

    There are a few answers which involve the use of dnsmasq. But in all cases I have not understood the answer enough to use it and I don't know what dnsmasq is.


    How do I find out what DNS a connection is using, via the command line or GUI, with Kubuntu 15.04?


    It appears that I have had difficulty in articulating this question, because many people have provided answers which - whilst correct - are not quite the answers to the question I had in mind. Here is my attempt at clarification:

    The answers provided so far simply give me the address of my router, because my router is responsible for providing the internet connection. But the question I really had in mind was; what internet DNS server is used when I type, for example, "" into an internet browser?

    I thought this would be relatively easy to find out, mainly because it's easy to dictate which internet DNS server is used myself. I can, for example, bring up my connection settings and tell it to use for DNS, which is Google's public DNS server. My question, then, is; if I don't dictate any specific DNS server, and leave the router to use whatever it is assigned, how do I find out which DNS server(s) it is using?

    • Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy
      Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy almost 9 years
      nm-tool is discarded as of 15.04. It's still useful on earlier versions, however, like 14.04
    • Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy
      Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy almost 9 years
      Also the reason why nmcli dev list doesn't work is because nmcli version in 15.04 is different, hence uses different commands. mgor's answer bellow is the correct way to do it in 15.04
    • Brian J Hoskins
      Brian J Hoskins almost 9 years
      Thanks. It appears that my question is confusing, because many people have provided answers which - while correct - do not answer the question I intended. And it may be that my lack of understanding has caused the difficulty in the way I've articulated the question. The answers posted simply give me the address of my router. Which makes some sense to me, because my router is the thing that provides the internet connection. But I wanted to know what happens when I type "", for example. Which internet DNS server resolves this? And how do I find out.
    • Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy
      Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy almost 9 years
      You've asked originally for wlan0 interface, hence people answered accordingly. What you really ask is DNS router uses and you can find that out only through the router itself. I've updated my answer
  • Brian J Hoskins
    Brian J Hoskins almost 9 years
    I don't believe either of those methods will give me the information I'm looking for. I'm not certain that you've understood my question in the way that I intended. I would like to find out which DNS servers are being used when I use my internet connection to resolve a hostname to an ip. i.e. when I use my internet browser to browse to, which DNS server translates that into an ip so that I connect to the service I wanted? I realise that it is possible to set which DNS servers should be used. I haven't done this, but I would like to query which ones are being used by default.
  • goo
    goo almost 9 years
    I understand, but will have to awnser fully later. You want to know, if your system asks ""?, what happens between then and "". It is called "DNS address resolution". Google may be your friend, but I have a bus to catch.
  • Brian J Hoskins
    Brian J Hoskins almost 9 years
    I understand what DNS is, I am trying to find out which DNS servers are used to complete those requests for a particular connection. i.e. when I connect to the internet, via my ISP, which DNS servers are they setting for me by default. I can change it of course (e.g. set it to a 3rd party DNS such as but I want to know what DNS servers are being used, at this moment, if I don't set anything different myself.
  • goo
    goo almost 9 years
    But, beyond the server in /etc/resolv.conf it is dynamic!
  • Brian J Hoskins
    Brian J Hoskins almost 9 years
    I understand it is dynamic. I'm not trying to predict the DNS server address, I want to find out what it is at any given moment.
  • goo
    goo almost 9 years
    Use dig from the dnsutils package: dig +trace @ and read the OReilly "DNS & Bind" book
  • goo
    goo almost 9 years
    Replace with your nameserver or $( grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf| awk '{print $2}' | head -n1 )
  • Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy
    Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy almost 9 years
    My preferred way. +1
  • A.B.
    A.B. almost 9 years
    A novel =) great work
  • Brian J Hoskins
    Brian J Hoskins almost 9 years
    Thanks very much indeed for taking the time to provide this answer. It is much more complex to find this out than I thought it would be! I will give your suggestions a try over the weekend, thanks.
  • Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy
    Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy almost 9 years
    Brian, see my updated answer. If you're trying to find out what DNS server is used by your router, you have to access the router settings