How to find Sidekiq is running or not


Solution 1

A little trick:

ps aux | grep '[s]idekiq'

Hope it works

Solution 2

Ideally you can do this directly from ruby itself. Put this in some rake task or standalone script (don't forget to specify Sidekiq connection details)

ps =
ps.size # => 2
ps.each do |process|
  p process['busy']     # => 3
  p process['hostname'] # => 'myhost.local'
  p process['pid']      # => 16131
ps.each(&:quiet!) # equivalent to the USR1 signal
ps.each(&:stop!) # equivalent to the TERM signal


Solution 3

See this question for how to filter ps output using grep, while eliminating the grep command from the the output.

Solution 4

I see, try this out:

module Process
  class << self
    def is_running?(pid)
        Process.kill(0, pid)
      rescue Errno::ESRCH

1.9.3p392 :001 > puts `ps aux | grep -i [s]idekiq`

It'll return you pid like: 12247, and you can check if it's running:

Process.is_running?(12247) // true | false

Solution 5

You can add the following lines to your config/routes.rb

require 'sidekiq/web'
mount Sidekiq::Web => '/sidekiq'

Start your server, open a browser and check your processess and your jobs

You can find it from Sidekiq Wiki

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Updated on January 18, 2020


  • AnkitG
    AnkitG over 4 years

    In one of my project i am using Sidekiq

    Is there any inbuilt Sidekiq console method/method that helps me to find whether sidekiq is running or not.

    My requirement is kind of a pre check condition where if Sidekiq is not running i will raise a error.

    I tried using the grep like

    'ps -ef | grep sidekiq' 

    but it's not solving my purpose.

    The method i am looking for should be something like:


    Thanks in advance.

    I also Tried

    Sidekiq not running

    1.9.3p392 :021 > system 'ps aux | grep sidekiq'
    ankitgupta      6683   0.0  0.0  2432768    600 s001  R+   11:47AM   0:00.00 grep sidekiq
    ankitgupta      6681   0.0  0.0  2433432    916 s001  S+   11:47AM   0:00.01 sh -c ps aux | grep sidekiq
     => true

    Sidekiq is running

    1.9.3p392 :022 > system 'ps aux | grep sidekiq'
    ankitgupta      6725   0.0  0.0  2432768    600 s001  S+   11:57AM   0:00.00 grep sidekiq
    ankitgupta      6723   0.0  0.0  2433432    916 s001  S+   11:57AM   0:00.00 sh -c ps aux | grep sidekiq
    ankitgupta      6707   0.0  1.3  3207416 111608 s002  S+   11:56AM   0:07.46 sidekiq 2.11.2 project_name [0 of 25 busy]  
     => true 

    It is always returning true.. I want to catch the process when it runs