How to find the source of this BSOD? How to fix it?


Solution 1

  1. Install the Debugging Tools for Windows.
  2. After Installing, open WinDbg from start menu.
  3. Click File > Symbol File path and enter SRVC:\SymbolCache (replace C:\SymbolCache with path of your choice)
  4. Click File > Open Crashdump and open the memory.dmp file in your %SystemRoot% (usually C:\WINDOWS or C:\WINNT) OR the latest file in %SystemRoot%\Minidump if you have full dumps disabled.
  5. The offending driver will be listed below, similar to this: Probably caused by : usbhub.sys ( usbhub!UsbhTrapFatalTimeout_x9f+28 ), but you can click the !analyze -v link to get detailed stack trace.

Solution 2

A much simpler way would be to use BlueScreenView. If you look into the "Address In Stack" column you can see where the problematic call originally came from. This is the last row that has an entry in this column.

Taking the driver file name you can back-track the vendor/application/device it belongs to and therefore find the culprit with a high probability.


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Eternal Learner
Author by

Eternal Learner

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Eternal Learner
    Eternal Learner almost 2 years

    I occasionally (always at the least convenient moment...) receive this BSOD on my Windows 7 desktop PC:

      Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:   BlueScreen
      OS Version:   6.1.7601.
      Locale ID:    1033
      Additional information about the problem:
      BCCode:   124
      BCP1: 0000000000000000
      BCP2: FFFFFA8007BBB028
      BCP3: 00000000B2000040
      BCP4: 0000000000000800
      OS Version:   6_1_7601
      Service Pack: 1_0
      Product:  256_1
      Files that help describe the problem:

    Trying to find out more information about this seems to be futile because the file C:\Users\al\AppData\Local\Temp\WER-37500-0.sysdata.xml doesn't exist (the folder exists, but not any file that starts with "WER"), and attempting to analyze the minidump file yields the following:

    Bug Check Code: 0x00000124
    Parameter 1:    00000000`00000000
    Parameter 2:    fffffa80`07bbb028
    Parameter 3:    00000000`b2000040
    Parameter 4:    00000000`00000800
    Causing driver: hal.dll
    Address:    hal.dll+12a3b
    Processor:  x64
    Crash address:  ntoskrnl.exe+7cc40
    CPU count:  4
    Major ver:  15
    Minor ver:  7601
    Dump size:  283,576 


    Filename:       ntoskrnl.exe
    Addr. in Stack: ntoskrnl.exe+18d513
    From addr:      fffff800`02a18000
    To addr:        fffff800`03001000
    Size:           0x005e9000
    Timestamp:      0x4e02aaa3
    Time string:    6/22/2011 9:53:23 PM
    Product name:   Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
    File desc:      NT Kernel & System
    File ver:       6.1.7601.17640 (win7sp1_gdr.110622-1506)
    Company:        Microsoft Corporation
    Full path:      C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe        

    Well, hal.dll and ntoskrnl.exe are part of the OS and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do to upgrade those "drivers".

    I know that the hardware is perfect (including RAM voltages in BIOS etc) because this same exact system works perfectly with Ubuntu 8 and Ubuntu 10 (triple-boot config). The problem is definitely in the system software, but how do I find out what it is?

    • m0skit0
      m0skit0 over 12 years
      We could help you if Windows 7 was open source...
    • user3660103
      user3660103 over 12 years
      Do any of the steps from [here](… help?
    • Eternal Learner
      Eternal Learner over 12 years
      @AndrejaKo This is a great resource. Looks like exactly what I have been looking for. Please re-post as an answer and I will accept it. Thanks +1 for now.
    • Moab
      Moab over 12 years
      @Eternal Learner Simply linking to an answer is not considered an answer here at SuperUser, it should remain a comment unless they want to copy the entire content of the answer over to a SuperUser answer. The main reason for this is link rot and websites that disappear from cyberspace. Second reason is SuperUser is not a forum.
  • Eternal Learner
    Eternal Learner over 12 years
    This is good for driver developers, not for an admin.
  • Eternal Learner
    Eternal Learner over 12 years
    BlueScreenView is exactly where I took the information I posted in my question. The back-track stops at what I posted originally: ntoskrnl.exe+18d513. The comment posted by @AndrejaKo is the best answer so far.
  • kinokijuf
    kinokijuf over 12 years
    @EternalLearner But it shows you the BSOD source, which is a good thing.
  • kinokijuf
    kinokijuf over 12 years
    @EternalLearner Then I’m afraid it’s impossible to get further info.