How to flatten a list of lists?


Solution 1

I expect that unlist(foolist) will help you. It has an option recursive which is TRUE by default.

So unlist(foolist, recursive = FALSE) will return the list of the documents, and then you can combine them by:, unlist(foolist, recursive=FALSE)) just applies the function c to the elements of the obtained list

Solution 2

Here's a more general solution for when lists are nested multiple times and the amount of nesting differs between elements of the lists:

 flattenlist <- function(x){  
  morelists <- sapply(x, function(xprime) class(xprime)[1]=="list")
  out <- c(x[!morelists], unlist(x[morelists], recursive=FALSE))

Solution 3

Here's another method that worked for my list of lists.

df <-, lapply(foolist,

Or take a look at new functions in tidyr which work well.

rectangle a nested list into a tidy tibble


    lst <-  list(
        age = 23,
        gender = "Male",
        city = "Sydney"
        age = 21,
        gender = "Female",
        city = "Cairns"
    tib <- tibble(lst)  %>% 

df <-

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Updated on May 30, 2021


  • dnagirl
    dnagirl almost 3 years

    The tm package extends c so that, if given a set of PlainTextDocuments it automatically creates a Corpus. Unfortunately, it appears that each PlainTextDocument must be specified separately.

    e.g. if I had:

    foolist <- list(a, b, c); # where a,b,c are PlainTextDocument objects

    I'd do this to get a Corpus:

    foocorpus <- c(foolist[[1]], foolist[[2]], foolist[[3]]);

    I have a list of lists of 'PlainTextDocuments that looks like this:

    > str(sectioned)
    List of 154
     $ :List of 6
      ..$ :Classes 'PlainTextDocument', 'TextDocument', 'character'  atomic [1:1] Developing assessment models   Developing models
      .. .. ..- attr(*, "Author")= chr "John Smith"
      .. .. ..- attr(*, "DateTimeStamp")= POSIXlt[1:1], format: "2013-04-30 12:03:49"
      .. .. ..- attr(*, "Description")= chr(0) 
      .. .. ..- attr(*, "Heading")= chr "Research Focus"
      .. .. ..- attr(*, "ID")= chr(0) 
      .. .. ..- attr(*, "Language")= chr(0) 
      .. .. ..- attr(*, "LocalMetaData")=List of 4
      .. .. .. ..$ foo           : chr "bar"
      .. .. .. ..$ classification: chr "Technician"
      .. .. .. ..$ team          : chr ""
      .. .. .. ..$ supervisor    : chr "Bill Jones"
      .. .. ..- attr(*, "Origin")= chr "Smith-John_e.txt"
    #etc., all sublists have 6 elements

    So, to get all my PlainTextDocuments into a Corpus, this would work:

    sectioned.Corpus <- c(sectioned[[1]][[1]], sectioned[[1]][[2]], ..., sectioned[[154]][[6]])

    Can anyone suggest an easier way, please?

    ETA: foo<-unlist(foolist, recursive=FALSE) produces a flat list of PlainTextDocuments, which still leaves me with the problem of feeding a list element by element to c

  • Michael
    Michael about 7 years
    just to make this a bit more comprehensible I'll just point out that identifying lists using class(xprime)[1]=="list") is necessary (rather than using is.list) when your nested objects are of classes that inherit from lists (i.e. note that is.list(data.frame(3)) evaluates to TRUE)
  • Michael
    Michael about 7 years
    also note that this doesn't retain the order of the original structure
  • Megatron
    Megatron over 5 years
    Also consider using NCmisc::Unlist() for unlisting beyond the first level.
  • Mihai
    Mihai over 4 years
    Michael, how would you go about retaining the order of the original structure?
  • Michael
    Michael about 3 years
    probably just replace out <- c( with an mapply statement that takes x and morelists as arguments then unlists only for elements where morelists is TRUE
  • Michael
    Michael about 3 years
    or replace the first two lines with a single lapply that combines testing and unlisting
  • Simone
    Simone over 2 years
    Thanks for sharing. unnest_wider from the tidyr package worked perfectly. The other code you posted gave me an error message "Error in match.names(clabs, names(xi)) : names do not match previous names" --> The data I am working with is downloaded as a JSON from Facebook. It is highly nested. Not all lists in the list are equally long. The data structure also varies between downloaded files.
  • Zeus
    Zeus over 2 years
    @Simone, I think you should post a new question with a simple replication of your data, then some can try to help you. SO doesn't like questions within questions
  • Simone
    Simone over 2 years
    I did. Wanted to point out that there are "normally" nested lists and highly nested lists. For the latter the tidyr package is useful. --> hence the comment and not a new question.
  • shosaco
    shosaco over 2 years
    Very useful: My usecase is map(some_nested_list, flattenlist) %>% bind_rows() to produce a tibble.
  • choabf
    choabf about 2 years
    @zx8754 for the very similar large list, after importing a json file, I'm applying the same code, but I get the error "unlist arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0", which I understand, but i thought the code deals with lists of different levels. Any ideas? Beginner R user here... Thanks in advance for any help!
  • DrDom
    DrDom about 2 years
    @choabf, I advise you to create a new question, where put an example of your data and code you used.