How to format inital date value using AngularJS ui-date directive?


Your $scope.m.Dt property should be of date type, not string.

$scope.m = 
   name: "John",
   Dt:   new Date()

To set date format use ui-date-format directive, like:

<input title="Date" ui-date ui-date-format="mm-dd-yy" ng-model="m.Dt" />

See example in readme:


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Updated on July 08, 2022


  • CHS
    CHS almost 2 years

    When I get a model from the server it looks like this:

    $scope.m = 
       name: "John",
       Dt:   "2013-10-03T18:47:33.5049087-07:00"

    The view looks like:

    <input title="Date" ui-date ng-model="m.Dt" />

    I set the default date format on the jQuery datepicker to:

    $.datepicker.setDefaults({dateFormat: 'mm-dd-yy'});

    The initial value of the input stays "2013-10-03T18:47:33.5049087-07:00" though. It only formats as mm-dd-yy if I use the datepicker to change the date.

    How can I get the initial value to also be in mm-dd-yy format?

  • CHS
    CHS over 10 years
    Yes, I'm aware it works with Date objects, but in a real world example your data comes from the server likely via JSON and your dates will not be objects, but strings. I can write a method to recurse thru the model and convert date strings to objects, but I was thinking for such a common scenario it would already be handled.
  • Alexander Puchkov
    Alexander Puchkov over 10 years
    It's not handled in angular, but you can create http interceptor with recursive method to convert date strings to objects as you mentioned. See this post for example: