How to format localised strings in Swift?


Solution 1

You can use %@ in Swift's String(format:...), it can be substituted by a Swift String or any instance of a NSObject subclass. For example, if the Localizable.strings file contains the definition

"From %@, %@" = "从 %@, %@ 得出";


let x = 1.2
let y = 2.4
let text = String(format: NSLocalizedString("From %@, %@", comment: ""), "\(x)", "\(y)")
// Or alternatively:
let text = String(format: NSLocalizedString("From %@, %@", comment: ""), NSNumber(double: x), NSNumber(double: y))

produces "从 1.2, 2.4 得出". Another option would be to use the %f format for double floating point numbers:

"From %f, %f" = "从 %f, %f 得出";


let text = String(format: NSLocalizedString("From %f, %f", comment: ""), x, y)

See Niklas' answer for an even better solution which localizes the number representation as well.

Solution 2

From WWDC 2017:

let format = NSLocalizedString("%d popular languages", comment:"Number of popular languages")
label.text = String.localizedStringWithFormat(format, popularLanguages.count)

Solution 3

One more simple example

let changeable = "something"
let result = String(format: NSLocalizedString("stringId", comment: ""), arguments: [changeable]) // Hello World and something

localizable.strings with

"stringId" = "Hello World and %@";
  • comment parameter doesn't have effect on result and is used for translators and by genstrings code-gen as comment

Solution 4

New in iOS 15 and macOS Monterey you can use the new refined method for String.

String(localized: "From \(x), \(y)", comment: "The result is computed from x and y")

They did a lot of updates in 2021 for localization with Xcode. Check this video from WWDC21 for more info.

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Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Sweeper
    Sweeper almost 2 years

    I am learning to localise my app to Simplified Chinese. I am following this tutorial on how to do this.

    Because the tutorial is based on Obj-C, formatted strings can be written like this:

    "Yesterday you sold %@ apps" = "Ayer le vendió %@ aplicaciones";

    "You like?" = "~Es bueno?~";

    But I am using Swift. And in Swift I don't think you can use %@ to indicate that there is something to be placed there. We have string interpolation right?

    My app is kind of related to maths. And I want to display which input(s) is used to compute the result in a detailed label of a table view cell. For example

    From x, y <---- Here is the detailed label

    Here, From x, y means "The result is computed from x and y". I want to translate this to Chinese:

    从 x, y 得出

    Before, I can just use this:

    "From \(someVariable)"

    with the strings file:

    "From" = "从 得出";

    And this is how I would use it in code

    "\(NSLocalizedString("From", comment: "")) \(someVariable)"

    But if this were used in the Chinese version, the final string will be like this:

    "从 得出 x, y"

    I mean I can put the and 得出 in two different entries in the strings file. But is there a better way to do it?

  • Suragch
    Suragch over 6 years
    Is there a way to specify the order of the parameters or insert a single parameter multiple times? In some languages the insertion order might be reversed. Android allows this by using %1 and %2 before the format specifier.
  • Suragch
    Suragch over 6 years
    Is using %@ better than %s (for strings)?
  • Martin R
    Martin R over 6 years
    @Suragch: There are encoding problems with %s, see for an example. – I think that positional parameters like %1$s work here as well.
  • Wil Shipley
    Wil Shipley over 6 years
    I believe this is the best answer because String.localizedStringWithFormat(_, ...) will localize the actual digits of the numbers (and swap commas and periods for German, for example), and String(format:...) will not. You can also use String(format: "%f", locale: Locale.current, number).
  • Wil Shipley
    Wil Shipley over 6 years
    This code won’t localize the numbers themselves — for example in German they use periods for commas and vice-versa, and in Arabic their digits are different codepoints. Use String.localizedStringWithFormat() or String(format: "%f", locale: Locale.current, number) instead.
  • Martin R
    Martin R over 6 years
    @WilShipley: You are completely right. Perhaps that method did not exist then or I did not think about it. I still think that I answered the question "I don't think you can use %@ to indicate that there is something to be placed there", but I have added a link to the better solution.
  • Wil Shipley
    Wil Shipley over 6 years
    Thanks Martin! I didn’t know about the other two methods but someone from that AppKit team pointed them out to me. So hopefully we can spread the word.
  • shakram02
    shakram02 over 5 years
    what if the variables to be substituted are in CVarArg?
  • Sujit Baranwal
    Sujit Baranwal almost 3 years
    I am literally suprised "You have successfully checked-in to %@ %@" = "%@ %@ のチェックインが完了しました"; let translatedText = NSLocalizedString("You have successfully checked-in to %@ %@", comment: "") let checkInMessage = String.localizedStringWithFormat(translatedText, spaceTypeName.localizedText(), spaceName) The above is not working…can someone help