How to get back unity and compiz after uninstalling, no launcher or dash on startup


I had simmilar problems not long ago, this fixed the problem for me:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop
sudo apt-get install --reinstall unity

This will force the reinstall without keeping the configuration files, that seem to be the cause of your problem.


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Charles Clayton
Author by

Charles Clayton

I like reusable code, automating tasks, visualizing data, and drinking cheap coffee.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Charles Clayton
    Charles Clayton almost 2 years

    I've gone through a ton of threads regarding this issue with nothing working for me. I removed compiz to reinstall it (foolishly) and I just can't seem to get unity back. I'm on 14.04.

    The Unity Plugin is checked in Compiz Config Settings Manager.

    enter image description here

    I've tried uninstalling everything and reinstalling everything.

    sudo apt-get remove compizconfig-settings-manager
    sudo apt-get remove compiz-plugins-extra
    sudo apt-get purge compiz*
    sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
    sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager
    sudo apt-get install git compiz-plugins-extra
    sudo apt-get install compiz-plugins-extra
    sudo apt-get install unity

    One thing that I think my problem might be is that I can't get a connection with dconf.

    When I try solutions like this:

    sudo dconf reset -f /org/compiz/
    setsid unity

    or like this

    sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
    unity-tweak-tool --reset-unity

    I get a huge list of errors like

    dconf-WARNING**: failed to commit changes to dconf: Could not connect: Connection refused
    dconf-WARNING**: failed to commit changes to dconf: Could not connect: Connection refused

    Anyone have other suggestions for how I can fix this? I'm desperate not to have to reinstall the operating system altogether.

    Thanks in advance.

  • David Foerster
    David Foerster over 9 years
    Re-installing ubuntu-desktop has no effect, because that's just a meta-package, and is therefore pointless. Contrarily to what you claim, apt-get install --reinstall doesn't modify any configuration files – especially not those residing in user directories like those of compiz – (unless there's a package update that would overwrite modifications to the system configuration files).
  • userDepth
    userDepth about 8 years
    I think that works but in my case I had a compiz profile backed up and did the purge and resinstall then imported the profile