How to get Column value without knowing column name ? SQL Server


Possible this be helpful for you -


IF OBJECT_ID (N'dbo.bb_match') IS NOT NULL
   DROP TABLE dbo.bb_match

CREATE TABLE dbo.bb_match (seek_id INT, prov_id INT)

INSERT INTO dbo.bb_match (seek_id, prov_id)
VALUES (6, 1), (2, 6) 

      @ColumnID TINYINT
    , @Value INT 
    , @TableName SYSNAME
    , @SQL NVARCHAR(500)

      @ColumnID = 1
    , @Value = 6
    , @TableName = 'dbo.bb_match'

SELECT @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM ' + @TableName + ' WHERE [' + + '] = ' + CAST(@Value AS NVARCHAR(MAX))
FROM sys.objects o WITH (NOWAIT)
JOIN sys.schemas s WITH (NOWAIT) ON o.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id]
JOIN sys.columns c WITH (NOWAIT) ON o.[object_id] = c.[object_id]
WHERE o.[type] = 'U' -- <-- only for tables columns
    AND + '.' + = @TableName
    AND c.column_id = @ColumnID


EXEC sp_executesql @SQL

Shorter, but unsafe (sys.columns contains column_name for tables, views, procedures, ...):

SELECT @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM ' + @TableName + ' WHERE [' + + '] = ' + CAST(@Value AS NVARCHAR(MAX))
FROM sys.columns c WITH (NOWAIT)
WHERE c.[object_id] = OBJECT_ID(@TableName)
    AND c.column_id = @ColumnID

EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQL


SELECT * FROM dbo.bb_match WHERE [seek_id] = 6


seek_id     prov_id
----------- -----------
6           1
Author by


Updated on July 10, 2022


  • KPSingh
    KPSingh almost 2 years

    I have table name as @Table_Name

    I have column value as @Value but don't have the column name (but that exist at 1st position and can be Seek_id or prov_id ...I have to compare my value with this id )

    How can I compare that table column name value ?

    I want something like

    SELECT * FROM @Table_Name
    WHERE Table.Column[1].Value = @Value

    for example @Table_Name = bb_match and @Value = 6

    • marc_s
      marc_s almost 11 years
      You cannot do this - SQL Server needs a column name - it cannot use ordinal position to refer to a column in a table
    • Jaloopa
      Jaloopa almost 11 years
      You may be able to use some dynamic SQL querying sys.columns to find the first column
    • Maximus
      Maximus almost 11 years
      you can use the ordinal_position field in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS table to find the first column of the given table.
    • KPSingh
      KPSingh almost 11 years
      this is near to my solution but not showing value only showing column name of that row ..(sent by my friend):
    • KPSingh
      KPSingh almost 11 years
      DECLARE @column_name varchar(20) set *column_name = (SELECT top 1 column_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = 'bb_match') select * from bb_match where *column_name = '8' (*=@)
    • Pondlife
      Pondlife almost 11 years
      possible duplicate of Column-name and/or table-name as parameters and numerous other similar questions
  • Maximus
    Maximus almost 11 years
    Where did you specify the column position. he want to compare the value with tthe first column.
  • KPSingh
    KPSingh almost 11 years
    I have table name *table_Name and column value *value not column name ...How can I search in *table_Name I know that column position is 1st( 1st column in table ) .....
  • KPSingh
    KPSingh almost 11 years
    I have value which I have to compare with 1st column in the table that is id ( name is anything like seek_id or prov_id)
  • KPSingh
    KPSingh almost 11 years
    thanks jaloopa .... but getting error Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 2 Must declare the scalar variable "@sql". Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 7 Must declare the scalar variable "@sql".
  • KPSingh
    KPSingh almost 11 years
    select @sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' + bb_match + ' WHERE ' + name + ' = ' + 8 from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('TCONTROL') and column_id = 1 exec (@sql)
  • KPSingh
    KPSingh almost 11 years
    Devart thanks for your ans ...SELECT * FROM dbo.bb_match WHERE [seek_id] = 6 ( but my column id is not seek_id ....that can be any think like seek_id or prov_id ) means I will search in any table ...1st column value I have only table name ....and value for campare with 1st column but dont know 1st column name ..please help me ..its very urgent
  • Jaloopa
    Jaloopa almost 11 years
    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql" means you didn't include the first line. Fill in the required table name and value and run the entire script
  • Devart
    Devart almost 11 years
    Yippee! & you're welcome @user2369561 :))). In case this solution fully suits you, I would be glad if you could confirm it.
  • Jaloopa
    Jaloopa almost 11 years
    I've modified the query and added some explanation. If you want to see what the final query looks like, replace EXEC(@sql) with SELECT @sql
  • KPSingh
    KPSingh almost 11 years
    I was trying to write one SP that will take any table name and any id then search that table and compare 1st column with my id then show then result / row ....