Stored procedure using sp_send_dbmail to send emails to multiple recipients queried from database


You can do a query and assign the values to a variable as such:

DECLARE @myRecipientList varchar(max)
SET @myRecipientList = (STUFF((SELECT ';' + emailaddress FROM table FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,''))

This will set your @myRecipientLIst to a ";" delimited list of the recipients specified your query.

You could also do the same sort of idea with a SP, just throw them into a temp/variable table and stuff into a semi colon separated list.


Finally to send the mail you could do:

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
  @recipients = @recipientList,
  @subject = @subject,
  @body = @body // ........


based on your original query, your stuff query should look something like this:

DECLARE @myRecipientList varchar(max)
SET @myRecipientList = STUFF((SELECT ';' + email FROM emailTable WHERE idNumber = @idNumber FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')

The idea behind this is - for every email found in the email table append to @myrecipientList the email found and a semi colon.

Author by


Updated on June 13, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    Like the title says, I'm trying to make a stored procedure used to send emails to addresses stored in the database, often including multiple recipients. I've tried a few approaches to this, but I think I'm hitting a wall and would appreciate any input anyone has. The main issue I've had is querying the database for the addresses and passing that to sp_send_dbmail in a way that works.

    The address table is pretty simple, looks something like this, but much larger. Both columns are varchars:

    idNumber   |  email
       a123    |  [email protected]
       a123    |  [email protected]
       1-100   |  [email protected]

    So if we're sending to ID number "a123", an email needs to go to both Steve and Carol.

    Here's a super simple procedure. It's not verbatim since this is all on my work computer, but more of a skeletal gist of what I'm going after.

      @idNumber varchar(MAX),
      @subject varchar(MAX),
      @body varchar(MAX)
    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
      @recipients = "EXEC SELECT email FROM emailTable WHERE idNumber = " + @idNumber + "';",
      @subject = @subject,
      @body = @body;

    It throws and error; it doesn't seem to like concatenating the ID parameter into the query. I tried making a separate procedure to query emails, but passing the ID parameter to the procedure didn't seem to work either. Even if I did successfully pass the parameter and get the query to execute successfully, I'd still need to join the two results in a single string and delimit them with semicolons so they'll play nice with sp_send_dbmail. I think?

    SQL wizards, how would you approach this? I'm not wildly experienced, so is there something simple and syntactic I'm doing wrong? Is my approach flawed fundamentally?

    I appreciate your input. Thank you.

    EDIT: Here's Kritner's working solution! Thanks a bunch!

    @idNumber varchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @recipientList varchar(MAX)
    SET @recipientList = (STUFF((SELECT ';' + email FROM emailTable WHERE idNumber = @idNumber FOR XML PATH(' ')),1,1,''))
    EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail
    @subject='Subject Line',
    @body='Body Text'