SQL Server stored procedure concat string as query


Your query should work like:

  1. Concatenate the whole Query
  2. Execute the query with EXEC

of course you have to declare the other variables too:

SET @ORA_BASVURU_KESIN_KOSUL = 'and akftif = 1';

DECLARE @MyExecSQL varchar(2000) =
    'UPDATE basvuru 
        SET sirket = @sirketid
           ,talep_gorevlendirme_rapor = ''G''
           ,birimi = ''SS''
           ,uzman = ' + @uzman + 
     ' WHERE kod = ' + @basvurukodu + 
        ' ' + @ORA_BASVURU_KESIN_KOSUL + ''
Ali insan Soyaslan
Author by

Ali insan Soyaslan

Computer Science Student from Turkey, Interested in Php-Laravel and Java-Spring Also a biker, I ride around while not coding. https://github.com/alinso/

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Ali insan Soyaslan
    Ali insan Soyaslan almost 2 years

    I wonder if can I define some parts of the my sql query as a string.

    I worked on the code below but I could not manage to concat that pre-defined string part to the existing query.

    Actually @sirketid, @uzman, @basvurukodu params works well, however the @ORA_BASVURU_KESIN_KOSUL param is causing a problem.

    I think because it has some sql-spesific expression like and, it is treated diffrently than simple variables used for comparison or assigning such as @sirket_id.

    It does not throw any error message, the code simply does not excute the operation.

    SET @ORA_BASVURU_KESIN_KOSUL = 'and akftif = 1';
    UPDATE basvuru 
    SET sirket = @sirketid,
        talep_gorevlendirme_rapor = 'G',
        birimi = 'SS', 
        uzman = @uzman,
        kod = @basvurukodu + ' ' + @ORA_BASVURU_KESIN_KOSUL; 

    Can I concat query parts like this, if so, how?


    • Esteban P.
      Esteban P. almost 7 years
      you will need dynamic sql. first concatenate the whole SQL you want to execute and finally execute the SQL with EXEC
    • Søren Kongstad
      Søren Kongstad almost 7 years
      You cannot concat e new condition on like that. To do that you have to make the query dynamic
    • Jeroen Mostert
      Jeroen Mostert almost 7 years
      Background material for your perusal, and also this more in general for dynamic SQL. There's a lot to say about this topic. Passing in arbitrary SQL as a parameter is almost never a good approach, due to the risk of injection involved.
    • Ali insan Soyaslan
      Ali insan Soyaslan almost 7 years
      This is really complicated than I thoght :)
  • Jeroen Mostert
    Jeroen Mostert almost 7 years
    Use NVARCHAR(MAX), there's no reason to settle for anything less. @sirketid will be undefined. Concatenating string parameters this way won't work, they'll need to be escaped. Using EXEC rather than sp_executesql with parameters may cause a lot of query plan cache pollution. With dynamic SQL, the devil's in the details.