How to get the JavaFx WebEngine to report errors in detail?


Solution 1

The best we ever got was:

if (webEngine.getLoadWorker().getException() != null && newState == State.FAILED) {
    exceptionMessage = ", " + webEngine.getLoadWorker().getException().toString();

but that didn't help.

(Our error was caused by a missing CookieStore, it seems you don't get one for free - and have to set a default one:

Solution 2

You can use com.sun.javafx.webkit.WebConsoleListener. Downside is that it is JRE internal API.

WebConsoleListener.setDefaultListener(new WebConsoleListener(){
    public void messageAdded(WebView webView, String message, int lineNumber, String sourceId) {
        System.out.println("Console: [" + sourceId + ":" + lineNumber + "] " + message);

Solution 3

Have you tried the following:

engine.getLoadWorker().exceptionProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Throwable>() {
    public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Throwable> ov, Throwable t, Throwable t1) {
        System.out.println("Received exception: "+t1.getMessage());
Tony Eastwood
Author by

Tony Eastwood

Data Modeller

Updated on June 19, 2022


  • Tony Eastwood
    Tony Eastwood about 2 years

    In JavaFx I can attach a listener to the load worker for a webEngine like this:

          new ChangeListener<Worker.State>() {
          public void changed(ObservableValue ov, Worker.State oldState, Worker.State newState) {                               
                 System.out.println("webEngine result "+ newState.toString());

    However if I try to load a document at an https address such as:

    all I get printed out on the console is:

    webEngine result READY
    webEngine result SCHEDULED
    webEngine result RUNNING
    webEngine result FAILED

    (The same https address in Firefox or Chrome gets me a login page)

    Does anyone know how I can get more detailed reports out of the JavaFx WebEngine. I don't want to just know that it failed - I need to know why. I can guess my error is SSL/certificate/HTTPS related but currently I'm quite in the dark as to which part of SSL caused it to 'FAIL'

  • jewelsea
    jewelsea over 10 years
    Where did you put that code? In the web engine load worker state property change listener?
  • Tony Eastwood
    Tony Eastwood over 10 years
    Yes in ChangeListener as in ' webEngine.getLoadWorker().stateProperty().addListener( new ChangeListener<State>().....
  • Steven Spungin
    Steven Spungin almost 5 years
    This method does not exist >= Java 11
  • Jason S
    Jason S almost 4 years
    why the F would they take this out without adding a corresponding public API to handle the console?