How to implement an ng-change for a custom directive


Solution 1

If you require ngModel you can just call $setViewValue on the ngModelController, which implicitly evaluates ng-change. The fourth parameter to the linking function should be the ngModelCtrl. The following code will make ng-change work for your directive.

link : function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl){
    scope.updateModel = function(item) {

In order for your solution to work, please remove ngChange and ngModel from isolate scope of myDirective.

Here's a plunk:

Solution 2


In my experience you just need to inherit from the ngModelCtrl. the ng-change expression will be automatically evaluated when you use the method ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue

angular.module("myApp").directive("myDirective", function(){
  return {
    require:"^ngModel", // this is important, 
      ... // put the variables you need here but DO NOT have a variable named ngModel or ngChange 
    link: function(scope, elt, attrs, ctrl){ // ctrl here is the ngModelCtrl
      scope.setValue = function(value){
        ctrl.$setViewValue(value); // this line will automatically eval your ng-change

More precisely

ng-change is evaluated during the ngModelCtrl.$commitViewValue() IF the object reference of your ngModel has changed. the method $commitViewValue() is called automatically by $setViewValue(value, trigger) if you do not use the trigger argument or have not precised any ngModelOptions.

I specified that the ng-change would be automatically triggered if the reference of the $viewValue changed. When your ngModel is a string or an int, you don't have to worry about it. If your ngModel is an object and your just changing some of its properties, then $setViewValue will not eval ngChange.

If we take the code example from the start of the post

scope.setValue = function(value){
    ctrl.$setViewValue(value); // this line will automatically evalyour ng-change
scope.updateValue = function(prop1Value){
    var vv = ctrl.$viewValue;
    vv.prop1 = prop1Value;
    ctrl.$setViewValue(vv); // this line won't eval the ng-change expression

Solution 3

After some research, it seems that the best approach is to use $timeout(callback, 0).

It automatically launches a $digest cycle just after the callback is executed.

So, in my case, the solution was to use

$timeout(scope.ngChange, 0);

This way, it doesn't matter what is the signature of your callback, it will be executed just as you defined it in the parent scope.

Here is the plunkr with such changes:

Author by


Software Engineer, Tools & Infrastructure Software Engineer in Testing Master's degree in Mathematics

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • htellez
    htellez almost 2 years

    I have a directive with a template like

        <div ng-repeat="item in items" ng-click="updateModel(item)">

    My directive is declared as:

    return {
        templateUrl: '...',
        restrict: 'E',
        require: '^ngModel',
        scope: {
            items: '=',
            ngModel: '=',
            ngChange: '&'
        link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) 
            scope.updateModel = function(item)
                 scope.ngModel = item;

    I would like to have ng-change called when an item is clicked and the value of foo has been changed already.

    That is, if my directive is implemented as:

    <my-directive items=items ng-model="foo" ng-change="bar(foo)"></my-directive>

    I would expect to call bar when the value of foo has been updated.

    With code given above, ngChange is successfully called, but it is called with the old value of foo instead of the new updated value.

    One way to solve the problem is to call ngChange inside a timeout to execute it at some point in the future, when the value of foo has been already changed. But this solution make me loose control over the order in which things are supposed to be executed and I assume that there should be a more elegant solution.

    I could also use a watcher over foo in the parent scope, but this solution doesn't really give an ngChange method to be implmented and I have been told that watchers are great memory consumers.

    Is there a way to make ngChange be executed synchronously without a timeout or a watcher?


  • htellez
    htellez almost 10 years
    A true ng-change should never know what the arguments are. For this particular case what you propose will be a solution, but what happens if then I try to use a callback bar(a, b, c, ...) with two or more arguments?
  • chrisg
    chrisg almost 10 years
    Any values which the directive wants to expose to be able to use in the ng-change expression should be specified when calling scope.ngChange. For example: scope.ngChange({newValue: item, a: 'something', b: 42}). The expression can then use the exposed values as needed: ng-change="bar(newValue, a, b)"
  • htellez
    htellez almost 10 years
    That is exactly what I don't want to happen. As you see, updateModel is a function inside the directive. I want the directive to be independent from who is using it. Just like the normal angular ng-change directive works. You don't need to redefine the angular ng-directive to use it.
  • Scott Sword
    Scott Sword about 9 years
    This actually worked great for me, since I already had a $timeout related fn or handling text fields.
  • Gautham C.
    Gautham C. about 9 years
    Just as an FYI, the reason this works is because $timeout automatically wraps the function in a $scope.$apply, which causes a $digest cycle to be kicked off. If you don't want this, you pass a third boolean parameter to $timeout instructing it to not do this.
  • JonoCoetzee
    JonoCoetzee about 9 years
    Is there anyway to do this without removing the ngModel from the isolated scope? Trying to implement two-way binding with ngChange and it has become convoluted/inefficient…
  • Ed_
    Ed_ over 8 years
    Despite solving the problem, this answer covers up the real issue. The custom directive in the question will not work with many of the common ng-* directives because it doesn't register that the view value has been updated. See @lucienBertin's answer for more detail.
  • Samuli Ulmanen
    Samuli Ulmanen over 8 years
    You're right Ed & @lucienBertin. Indeed the viewChangListeners are not needed. Setting the view value through the ngModelCtrl implicitly evaluates the ng-change expression. Plunk cleaned out a bit. Nice one.
  • Arkiliknam
    Arkiliknam almost 8 years
    Great insight. Reading your description, I'd think I could manually call $commitViewValue() to force ngChange (in the case of updating an existing object), but not so. AngularJS documentation suggests "custom controls might also pass objects to this method. In this case, we should make a copy of the object before passing it to $setViewValue.". See
  • Arkiliknam
    Arkiliknam almost 8 years
    This works but relies on your item being a value type. If you use objects it will only work the first time the reference is set. You will need to clone a ref object before invoking setViewValue in order for ngChange to trigger in these cases (see my answer below).
  • Suamere
    Suamere over 7 years
    Sorry Chris, but this would just teach bad habits to anybody reading it, so I have to vote it down. htellez is right. This is tight coupling and isn't reusable.