How to implement data in chart_flutter time series?


The root of issue is the chart's datasource needs a List there while you put a Map in your code.

To fix it, convert all the items in the api result to a List< TankPingProvider> and it should work.

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Updated on December 26, 2022


  • Aiman_Irfan
    Aiman_Irfan over 1 year

    I am trying to implement api data inside of chart_flutter time series. But i have a problem while implement it. Here is how my code look below:

    class TankChart extends StatefulWidget {
      TankChart({Key key}) : super(key: key);
      _TankChartState createState() => _TankChartState();
    class _TankChartState extends State<TankChart> {
      var ping;
    List<charts.Series<TankPingProvider, dynamic>> series = [
              id: 'Tank Ping',
              data: ping,
              domainFn: (TankPingProvider pings, _) => pings.tankPing[number.toString()][index].trackedAt,
              measureFn: (TankPingProvider pings, _) => pings.tankPing[number.toString()][index].volume
          return charts.TimeSeriesChart(
            animate: true,

    As you can see, i have error in this line of code:

    data: ping,

    and here:


    The error is:

    The argument type 'TankPingProvider' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'List<TankPingProvider>'.

    Is there anyway to implement the data?

    Here is how my api look:

        "1": [
                "tracked_at": "2020-11-29T17:33:42.000000Z",
                "fuel": 71.05,
                "level": 2.4867087,
                "volume": 41671.1
                "tracked_at": "2020-11-30T01:41:41.000000Z",
                "fuel": 70.04,
                "level": 2.451534,
                "volume": 41031.36
                "tracked_at": "2020-11-30T01:44:05.000000Z",
                "fuel": 68.47,
                "level": 2.396358,
                "volume": 40015.56
                "tracked_at": "2020-11-30T01:46:47.000000Z",
                "fuel": 66.89,
                "level": 2.341182,
                "volume": 38985.96

    And i use model instead of series. Here is how my model looks like:

    import 'dart:convert';
    Map<String, List<TankPing>> tankPingFromJson(dynamic str) => Map.from(json.decode(str)).map((k, v) => MapEntry<String, List<TankPing>>(k, List<TankPing>.from( => TankPing.fromJson(x)))));
    String tankPingToJson(Map<String, List<TankPing>> data) => json.encode(Map.from(data).map((k, v) => MapEntry<String, dynamic>(k, List<dynamic>.from( => x.toJson())))));
    class TankPing {
        DateTime trackedAt;
        double fuel;
        double level;
        double volume;
        factory TankPing.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => TankPing(
            trackedAt: DateTime.parse(json["tracked_at"]),
            fuel: json["fuel"].toDouble(),
            level: json["level"].toDouble(),
            volume: json["volume"].toDouble(),
        Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
            "tracked_at": trackedAt.toString(),
            "fuel": fuel,
            "level": level,
            "volume": volume,

    Any help would be appreciate.

  • Aiman_Irfan
    Aiman_Irfan over 3 years
    Hey there, i have change the TankPingProvider as you said. But now, i have this error: "The argument type 'List<Series<TankPingProvider, dynamic>>' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'List<Series<dynamic, DateTime>>'" When i look at my code, i cannot find the 'DateTime'.
  • Q.u.a.n.g L.
    Q.u.a.n.g L. over 3 years
    Because you are using a TimeSeriesChart, that requires exactly the Datetime type, not the dynamic one. Change the List<charts.Series<TankPingProvider, dynamic>> series to List<charts.Series<TankPingProvider, DateTime>> series.
  • Aiman_Irfan
    Aiman_Irfan over 3 years
    alright, i have change it. But when you say change all the items in api to a List, do i have to change it from the model or just put an Empty List variable and then make it a list?
  • Q.u.a.n.g L.
    Q.u.a.n.g L. over 3 years
    You can do anything comfortable for you. Since the chart requires a List as the input while the api response is a Map. So either the server alternates the response to a List directly or you take an extra step to convert the Map to List. Both will work in your case :)
  • Aiman_Irfan
    Aiman_Irfan over 3 years
    Alright Thank You very much. I really appreciate your help :)
  • Aiman_Irfan
    Aiman_Irfan over 3 years
    Hey there @Quang L. Can you help me convert a Map object to List?
  • Q.u.a.n.g L.
    Q.u.a.n.g L. over 3 years
    @Aiman_Irfan try this YOUR_MAP_HERE.values.expand((i) => i).toList()
  • Aiman_Irfan
    Aiman_Irfan over 3 years
    Do i need to add it inside of a set State?