How to import python file located in same subdirectory in a pycharm project


Solution 1

If you don't have an create one and add this line

from util.util import my_function

then you can easily import the module in your scripts the tells python that it should treat that folder as a python package, it can also be used to import/load modules too.

in most cases the is empty.

Quoting the docs:

The files are required to make Python treat the directories as containing packages; this is done to prevent directories with a common name, such as string, from unintentionally hiding valid modules that occur later on the module search path. In the simplest case, can just be an empty file, but it can also execute initialization code for the package or set the __all__ variable, described later.

Solution 2

Recommended Way:

Make sure to set the working folder as Sources.

You can do it in Pycharm -> Preferences -> Project: XYZ -> Project Structure

Select your working folder and mark it as Sources. Then Pycharm recognize the working folder as a Source folder for the project and you will be able to simply add other files within that folder by using



from import mudule1


Not recommended way:

In Pycharmyou can simply add . before the .py file which you are going to import it from the same folder. In your case it will be

from .util import my_functions


There is a good reference also for more information with example how to implement Package Relative Imports. I would highly recommend to check this page.

Package Relative Imports

Solution 3

Right-click on the folder which you want to be marked as the source > Mark Directory as > Source root.

Solution 4

In my case, it worked only when I omit the extension. Example:

import filename

Solution 5

Note: May be a bit unrelated.

I was facing the same issue but I was unable to import a module in the same directory (rather than subdirectory as asked by OP) when running a jupyter notebook (here the directory didn't have Strangely, I had setup python path and interpreter location and everything. None of the other answers helped but changing the directory in python did.

import os

I'm using PyCharm 2017.3 on Ubuntu 16.04

Author by


Prior Roles: Research Scientist (Physics, Aerospace, MBSE) @ GTRI: Electro-Optics Systems Lab Research Engineer (Cyber, Digital Signals Processing) @ GTRI/ECE Cyber Security Lab Machine Learning Engineer (Digital Advertising and Analytics) Sr. Software Engineer (Computer Vision, Machine Learning) Top Languages: Python3 C++ C Sports/Extra-curricular: Soccer/Football (the round ball you kick) Tae Kwon Do (amplifying the kicking synergy) Skiing Hobbies: CAD + CNC'ing dofabbles and widgets Salting my living space with tech magazines and cheap Dover books on Mathematics USB protocols Guitar Degrees: B.S. Physics M.S. Computer Science

Updated on December 21, 2020


  • Chris
    Chris over 3 years

    I have an input error in pycharm when debugging and running.

    My project structure is rooted properly, etc./HW3/. so that HW3 is the root directory.

    I have a subfolder in HW3, util, and a file, util/ I have another file in util called

    In, I have the following import structure,

    from util.util import my_functions, etc.

    This yields an input error, from util.util import load_dataset,proportionate_sample ImportError: No module named 'util.util'; 'util' is not a package

    However, in the exact same project, in another directory (same level as util) called data, I have a file data/, which also imports functions from util/ using a similar import statement...and it runs without any problems.

    Obviously, I am doing this in the course of doing a homework, so please understand: this is ancillary to the scope of the homework.

    The problem goes away when I move the file to another directory. So I guess this question is How do I import a python file located in the same directory in a pycharm project? Because pycharm raises an error if I just do import util and prompts me to use the full name from the root.