How to insert an iframe in a slack integration?


This is not something Slack allows third-party integrations to do. (Slack itself "unfurls" certain media links, like YouTube videos.)

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FYI: I no longer answer questions on stack overflow If you have a WebGL question you can try asking in the comments on one of the appropriate sites listed below or on the site's corresponding github issues. I was on the Google Chrome GPU team implementing Chrome's GPU subsystem including WebGL and Pepper 3D. I've shipped over 17 commercial games from Atari 800/Apple 2/Commodore 64 days all the way through PS3 and Xbox 360. Some links to things I've worked on: ThreeJSFundamentals,,, webgl-lint,, github, twgl, WebGLFundamentals, WebGL2Fundamentals, vertexshaderart, happyfuntimes, Servez, unzipit, Virtual-WebGL, react-split-it, dekapng, check-all-the-errors @greggman PS: Any code I've posted on Stack Overflow is public domain / CC0. You do not have to credit me.

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • gman
    gman almost 2 years

    The youtube slack integration inserts an image and when that image is clicked a iframe gets inserted.

    youtube iframe slack integration

    How can my custom slack integration also insert an iframe? For example say I'd like to insert a codepen iframe?