How to install and use additional voices in SpeechSynthesizer()?


After trying many suggestions from web found working solution:

- install Microsoft Speech Platform SDK (x64) v11.0.

- install Runtime Languages (Version 11) you need.

- do registry changes from the end of this this thread.

- install Microsoft Server Speech Platform Runtime (x64) (! - this is what i was missing).

- and you have to set platform target in build to x64 to use new voices like Helen or ZiraPro

Author by


rascal, miserable dev.

Updated on July 13, 2022


  • Dork
    Dork almost 2 years

    I need to use male voice in SpeechSynthesizer in addition to default Anna voice. I installed some files from Microsoft, and GetInstalledVoices() method says now I have Microsoft Anna, Microsoft Mary, Microsoft Mike and Sample TTS Voice. After I'm trying to set voice

    speaker.SelectVoice("Microsoft Mike");

    my program throws exception: Cannot set voice. No matching voice is installed or the voice was disabled.

    What should I exactly install and how to enable Mike's voice? System is Windows7.