How to know currently open ports on the Windows Firewall?


The reason you can't get the same results using the same commands is that the Win7 firewall rules can be specific to an individual application, and configured per network type (Private, Domain, Public), protocol, port, etc. Powershell should give you a much better way to query this information and sort it. Here's a quick script I have to dump my configuration, when I need it.

Function Get-EnabledRules
    $rules = (New-Object -comObject HNetCfg.FwPolicy2).rules
    $rules = $rules | where-object {$_.Enabled -eq $true}
    $rules = $rules | where-object {$_.Profiles -bAND $profile}

$networkListManager = [Activator]::CreateInstance([Type]::GetTypeFromCLSID([Guid]"{DCB00C01-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B}"))
 $connections = $networkListManager.GetNetworkConnections()
[int[] ] $connTypes = @()
$connTypes = ($connections | % {$_.GetNetwork().GetCategory()})
#$connTypes += 1
Write-Host $connTypes

$connTypes | ForEach-Object {Get-EnabledRules -profile $_ | sort localports,Protocol | format-table -wrap -autosize -property Name, @{Label="Action"; expression={$_.action}}, @{Label="Protocol"; expression={$_.protocol}}, localPorts,applicationname}

A lot of this was based off of this post on MSDN


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Ruben Rubovski
Author by

Ruben Rubovski

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Ruben Rubovski
    Ruben Rubovski almost 2 years

    Our company has two websites. Both websites have their own subdomains (on same domain). Both websites are using the same LDAP server for authentication.

    Is there a way to authenticate users only once, and allow the (authenticated) user to access either website so that we don't have to login in to each site separately? For example, I'm logged in to, then I click on -- in this case I wouldn't be prompted to login to because I'm already authenticated to

    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      How is it error prone?
    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      There are so many rules while I'm just interested in the effective ones.
    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      And that makes it error prone?
    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      Yeah. Examining dozens of rules in a second is error prone.
    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      Prone to what errors exactly? Reading them wrong? Why are you trying to read them in one second? Try slowing down a little bit. In addition, in the GUI you can filter the view by the state of the rule, so you could filter it to show only those rules that are enabled.
    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      Well, I was trying Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 today. It does not have a GUI for Windows Firewall. Anyway, if a command can give us direct result, there's no need to work it out ourselves, right? Especially this feature is available in prior versions, and there is no apparent reason to get rid of it. Perhaps the command just changed a little.
    • Mikael Dúi Bolinder
      Mikael Dúi Bolinder over 10 years
      Tried setting the cookie for *
  • Cristian E.
    Cristian E. over 3 years
    what is this -> GetTypeFromCLSID([Guid]"{DCB00C01-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723‌​B}")