How to list, add and remove repositories with yum python API?


you can use eulfedora

eulfedora.api provides complete access to the Fedora API, primarily making use of Fedora's REST API. This low-level interface is wrapped by eulfedora.server.Repository and eulfedora.models.DigitalObject, which provide a more abstract, object-oriented, and Pythonic way of interacting with a Fedora Repository or with individual objects and datastreams.

Wojciech Danilo
Author by

Wojciech Danilo

Founder of, Y Combinator alumnus, functional programming specialist, Haskeller. Passionate about visual programming, aesthetics, and ergonomics. On a mission to empower people with tools to innovate and advance. Loves dogs.

Updated on May 25, 2020


  • Wojciech Danilo
    Wojciech Danilo about 4 years

    How can I search for installed repostiries, add and delete them with yum python API (under fedora 17). I've searched tons of websites and I have found how to manage packages (like here:, but I have not found anywhere how to handle repositories).

    I want for example to be able to get with python yum API the same result as:

    yum repolist
    yum localinstall --nogpgcheck`

    (the last is simmilar to yum-config-manager --add-repo; yum-config-manager --enable)
